CONTENTS № 11/2017 |
УДК 553.495 (100)+553.04 Boytsov A.V. (Uranium One Group) // WORLD URANIUM INDUSTRY: STATUS, DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS, CHALLENGES According to the basic scenario of the development of the world nuclear power industry, uranium mining by 2030 should increase by 1,5 times. Uranium production from existing mines will decrease, while planned new mines will only compensate closed mines capacities. Additional 30 ktU must be produced annually in 2035 from new prospective mines. Despite depressed market, uranium production continued to grow steadily and reached 62ktU in 2016 – a historical maximum since 1988. In Situ Leach became the main uranium mining method since 2010. The total uranium resource base is more than sufficient to ensure the long-term needs of nuclear industry. At the same time, the great share of resources belongs to high cost categories and after 2020 uranium producers may face the shortage of low cost resources. In 2010 Rosatom has acquired a Canadian public company Uranium One in order to secure long term uranium supply for Russian nuclear fuel cycle chain. It has consolidated on its basis high quality uranium assets in Kazakhstan and in other countries. Uranium One has increased annual production almost 5 times during the last 7 years and became a fourth global U producer. Known resources and planned mining capacities secure further sustainable U production grown at favorable market conditions. Keywords: Uranium, mining, production, exploration, resources, resource base, uranium market, price, supply, demand, Rosatom, Uranium One, Kazatomprom. Р. 4-8 |
УДК 550.812:553.04+553.495(470) Mashkovtsev G.A. (VIMS) // Altunin O.V. (VIMS) // Grebenkin N.A. (VIMS) // Korotkov V.V. (VIMS) // Ovsyannikova T.M. (VIMS) // Rzhevskaya A.K. (VIMS) // PRIORITY TASKS AND MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF URANIUM EXPLORATION The article deal with priority directions of reproduction and expansion of the uranium mineral resource base of the Russian nuclear industry. Within the framework of the problem, promising provinces, regions and specific exploration facilities are presented, which require forecast-thematic, prognostic-mineragenic and prospecting works, respectively. The modern effective geological, geophysical and geochemical methods for prospecting and assessing uranium deposits are covered, on the basis of which for potentially ore-bearing territories it is possible to form rational prognostic-search complexes with preliminary approbation of them at reference facilities. Keywords: mineral resources base, uranium, exploration targets, exploration technique, prospecting complexes. Р. 8-22 |
УДК.553.04 (470) Svyatetskiy V.S. (Atomredmetzoloto) // Polonyankina S.V. (Atomredmetzoloto) // Ermakov A.G. (Atomredmetzoloto) // URANIUM-MINING INDUSTRY OF RUSSIA: THE STATE AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT The article deals with the state and prospects of development of the uranium mineral resource base of JSC «Atomredmetzoloto». The state of the uranium mining industry in Russia and for individual uranium mining enterprises of PJSC «PPGHO», JSC «Hiagda» and JSC «Dalur» is characterized. It is reported the main plans for the development of uranium mining enterprises and existing problems. Keywords: uranium, uranium market, uranium mineral resource base, mining, subsurface leaching, provision of reserves, replenishment of resource base. Р. 22-26 |
УДК: 001.89: 001.891 6553.495 (091) Mironov Yu.B. (VSEGEI) // Karpunin A.M. (VSEGEI) // Fuks V.Z. (VSEGEI) // 70 YEARS OF URANIUM METALLOGENY OF RUSSIA A brief description of the results of special geologic analyzes of the main geotectonic structures of the country obtained in the Department of Geology of Uranium Deposits and Radioecology (VSEGEI) over a 70-year period of its operation is given. Keywords: metallogeny, radioactivity, uranium. Р. 26-30 |
УДК 553.411’495 (470.22) Afanaseva E.N. (VSEGEI) // Mironov Yu.B. (VSEGEI) // Vasin O.V. (North-West PGO) // Michaylov V.I. (North-West PGO) // м Zhitnikov V.A. (North-West PGO) // GOLD-URANIUM MINERALIZATION OF THE KUOLAYARVINSKY TROUGH (NORTHERN KARELIA) Structural and compositional features of the localization of the gold-uranium mineralization in the Kuolayarvinsky Trough are considered (as illustrated by the Ozernoye, Lagernoye, Alakurtti, etc. mineral occurrences). Particular attention is paid to the comparative characteristics of the gold-uranium mineral deposits with foreign counterparts (occurrences of the Rompas Group, Finland). The area allocation for prospecting works aimed at identifying gold mineral deposits of two ore formations: gold-uranium in albite-carbonate metasomatites and gold-sulfide-quartz is proved; recommendations for further work are given. Keywords: gold, uranium, albite-carbonate metasomatites, occurrences of the Rompas Group. Р. 31-36 |
УДК 550.8.011:550.812:550.34.01 Petrov V.A. (IGEM) // SEISMOGEODYNAMICS AND TECTONOPHYSICS OF THE HYDROTHERMAL ORE FORMATION In the context of vision on changes of strain, stress state, elastic-resistant, and filtration-capacity parameters of the environment during seismogenic process, the pathway development and creation of conditions for migration of ore-bearing hydrothermal solution in crystalline host rocks are estimated. Relevant indicators and methodical aspect of the parameter investigation are considered. The main attention is devoted to reconstruction of processes of solution migration along fault-fracture zones, which form complex geological and physical objects. Keywords: strain, stress, ore-bearing solutions, fault zones, ore formation. Р. 37-42 |
УДК 553.495(470):553.06+553.041 Shumilin M.V. (Atomredmetzoloto) // FIELDS SUCH AS «DISAGREEMENT»: MODERN GENETIC SKYE MODEL AND THE PROBLEM OF SEARCH IN RUSSIA The new genetic model offered for the deposits of very rich ores of Atadasca basin (Canada) is considered. Position of the accessory source of uranium is criticized. Expected that uranium was passed to basin as dissolved faze, which was enriched of uranium by primary concentrations in rocks. From this conception, Canadian deposits are compared with the similar objects of Africa and Russia. Attention applies on distinctions in the structures of sediments of basins and differences of water dynamic. Perspectives of discovers of Canadian types of deposits in Russia are analysed. Keywords: uranium, the type of disagreement, genetic model. Р. 42-47 |
УДК 553.495 Tarkhanova G.A. (VIMS) // Prokhorov D.A. (VIMS) // GENETIC FEATURES OF «VITIM» TYPE URANIUM ORE FORMATION The review of Vitim uranium area geological formation and its developing history. Objects of research: ground rule of uranium ore localization at the paleo valley structure, factor of ore control and mineral composition of the ore concentration. Keywords: uranium deposit, hydrogenous deposits, exogenous-epigenetic type, basal type, Vitim uranium ore district, ningyoite. Р. 47-59 |
УДК 550.838+550.812.1:553.495(06) Parshin A.V. (Geo-informational technologies – Siberia, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Institute of Geochemistry) // Grebenkin N.A. (VIMS) // Morozov V.A. (Geo-informational technologies – Siberia, Irkutsk National Research Technical University) // Rzhevskaya A.K. (VIMS) // Shikalenko F.N. (RADEK) // THE FIRST RESULTS OF METHODOLOGICAL WORK ON THE APPLICATION OF BES-PILOT AIRBORNE GEOPHYSICAL TECHNOLOGIES AT THE STAGE OF PROSPECTING OF URANIUM DEPOSITS The technique and results of low-altitude unmanned geophysical airborne magnetic and gamma survey methods made in the foothills of the Eastern Sayan on the uranium deposit Stolbovoye (Shangulezhskaya area) are considered. The comparison with the results of ground and traditional airborne geophysical survey of predecessors is conducted. It is shown that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is not inferior in terms of informativeness to ground geophysical surveys and provide a significant production rate and increase economic efficiency. Keywords: UAV, unconformity type, gamma-ray spectrometry, magnetic, uranium. Р. 59-64 |
УДК 553.495+622.349.5:622.775+549.461.12 Solodov I.N. (Atomredmetzoloto) // Gladyshev A.V. (Hiagda) // Ivanov A.G. (Hiagda) // EXPERIENCE FOR EXTRACTION OF URANIUM BY ISL METHOD IN KRIOLITOZONE The article reveals natural and technogenic factors affecting mining of uranium by the acid ISL method from eight uranium deposits of Khiagdinsky ore field in the Republic of Buryatia. It shows the influence that cryogenic processes, natural and climatic, hydrogeological and geotechnological conditions of deposits have on the rates of mining by the ISL method. Examples of implementing new technologies that exclude or significantly reduce negative factors impact on the results of deposits development by ISL are given. Keywords: uranium, uranium deposits, in situ leaching, technological wells, oxidizer, permafrost, cryolithozone. Р. 65-70 |
УДК 628.04.045, 658.567, 622-17 Tarkhanov A.V. (VNIIKHT) // Bugrieva E.P. (VNIIKHT) // CURRENT STATE OF THE PROBLEM OF STORAGE AND PROCESSING OF TECHNOGENIC WASTE The problems of various types of industrial waste storage and processing are discussed in the article Brief characteristics of each type of waste and practical recommendations for its processing and disposal are given. The authors come to the conclusion of inexpediency of the total waste volume accumulated for many years processing. The only way of the waste recycling is their reclamation but it is impossible without State participation. Keywords: industrial waste, phosphogypsum, pyrite cinders, red sludges, dumps, tail of enrichment. Р. 71-78 |