(русский) 4-2017

CONTENTS № 4/2017


УДК 553.411 (571.53) Martynenko V.G. (Pervenets) // MartynenkoVG@polyus.com Domashov A.V. (Pervenets) // DomashovAV@ polyus.com Deys S.Yu. (Pervenets) // DeisSY@polyus.com Korzakov A.G. (Pervenets) // KorzakovAG@polyus.com Kushnarev P.I. (VIMS) // kushnarpi@mail.ru THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE VERNINSKOYE GOLD DEPOSIT Verninskoye gold deposit is localized in Bodaibo auriferous area. Host rocks are Patom series of the Upper Proterozoic and presented a thick layer of interbedded limestones, shales and sandstones. The main structures are Verninskoye field and conjugate with it, Nevskaya anticline. Folds have sublatitudinal and thrown back to the south at an angle of 30-350. Characterized by a large discontinuous-folded zones of dislocations, host gold-bearing quartz-sulphide vein-disseminated and quartz-vein mineralization. The largest reserves of ore body is 1-1; its length is more than 1,000 m along strike and 200-880 m along the dip; thickness – 30-50m. Gold is finegrain; it is easy to cyanide leaching. According to the amount of reserves of industrial categories it refers to large objects. The mineral resource potential of the deposit amounted to more than 300 tons of gold.

Keywords: gold, Verninskoye deposit, discontinuous-folded dislocations, quartz-sulphide mineralization, ore body, reserves. Р. 3-8

УДК 55 (553) Zharnikov A.N. (Uranium One Group) // zharnikovan@u1g.ru Zhivulko A.V. (Micromine Rus) // azhivulko@micromine.com Ivlev I.A. (Uranium One Group) // ivlevia@u1g.ru Konstantinov V.L. (Uranium One Group) // konstantinov@u1g.ru Markevich K.V. (Uranium One Group) // markevichkv@u1g.ru Melnikov A.V. (Uranium One Group) // melnikovav@u1g.ru Yastrebkov A.Yu. (Uranium One Group) // yastrebkovay@u1g.ru URANIUM MINERALIZATION IN THE FLOOD PLAIN AND TERRACED DRIFTS REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Near-surface uranium mineralization localized in modern clay-sand sediments over an area of 200 km2 found in the southern part of Tanzania. Displaced spatial position of the uranium mineralization and radium were revealed. This type of mineralization is characterized by low, close to the background, level of gamma activity. The occurrence of uranium mineralization above the base level of erosion within the ridges as well as the presence of sloping, trough-shaped accumulative valleys provide the conditions for the removal of uranium from ore deposits and then its deposit on the organic substrate of valleys’ soil formations. The findings indicate the large-scale recent processes of mineralization, which gives reason to predict considerable resources of uranium mineralization in soil sediment of intermountain valleys. Keywords: Tanzania, uranium mineralization, radium, soil, geochemical barrier. Р. 8-11
УДК 553.689.2:550.812.1(470.6) Akhmanov G.G. (TsNIIgeolnerud) // root@geolnerud.net Egorova I.P. (TsNIIgeolnerud) // irna65@yandex.ru Bulatkina T.A. (TsNIIgeolnerud) // root@geolnerud.net METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE GENESIS BARITE FIELD EARLY EXPLORATION WORK The proposed method allows using typomorphic especially barite, significantly reduce the cost of the search fields by early detection of genetic object identity. Keywords: barite deposit, genesis, typomorphic, sign, informational content. Р. 11-15
УДК 553.896.422.6.041+549.383н:551.73(470.631) Polyanin V.S. (TSNIIgeolnerud, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University) // root@geolnerud.net Dusmanov E.N. (TSNIIgeolnerud, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University) // evgeny.dusmanov@gmail.com Polyanina T.A. (TSNIIgeolnerud) // camsam@geolnerud.net Yakovleva E.I. (TSNIIgeolnerud) // root@geolnerud.net About the first occurrence of nephrite in the Caucasus The article presents the first occurrence of nephrite in the Caucasus. Geological explorations are recommended on the occurrence, on the ultramafite massif and on the Kyafar potential zone of nephrite. Keywords: nephrite, Caucasus, Karachay-Cherkessia, ultramafites of dunite-harzburgite formation. Р. 15-17


УДК 550.379: 550.361.4 Neradovskiy L.G. (Melnikov Permafrost Institute SB RAS) // leoner@mpi.ysn.ru MODIFIED PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING UPPER-PERMAFROST TEMPERATURE DYNAMICS WITH THE REMOTE INDUCTION SOUNDING METHOD IN YAKUTIA This paper describes a new procedure for calculating permafrost temperatures within the layer of annual temperature fluctuations from remote induction sounding data. Based on a case study of an engineering structure in the Yakutian permafrost region, it presents the application of this procedure, along with the error analysis, to predict the ground temperatures at 3-10 m depth from one of the attenuation velocity parameters of the harmonic field of the high-frequency vertical magnetic point dipole (HFVMD) and effective electrical resistivity of frozen ground. It is recommended to test the procedure in continuous and discontinuous permafrost areas across Russia in order to detect the spatiotemporal changes in the thermal state of frozen ground beneath buildings and structures. Keywords: permafrost, layer of annual temperature fluctuation, temperature, borehole thermometry, induction method, HFVMD field, amplitude attenuation parameter, effective electrical resistivity, correlation, calculation errors. Р. 17-24
УДК 550.83:553.495 Golomolzin V.E. (Geologorazvedka) // il: vegolo@mail.ru THE PLACE AND ROLE OF GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE STAGES OF PROSPECTING WORKS ON URANIUM (HYDROTHERMAL DEPOSITS) The article presents a modern view of the place and role of geophysical and geochemical methods in prospecting works on uranium. The necessity of treatment of retro – and reobtained materials using modern computer technology and digital geophysical models of uranium ore objects (UB) of a different scale. Stresses the need for an evidence-based choice of rational complexes of methods of research and offers effective systems for different scales. Keywords: geophysics, computer technology, uranium, prediction, searcs. Р. 24-29


УДК 622.013(083.75) Belov M.V. (Mineral) // mvbelovgeolog@yandex.ru Biсh A.V. (Mineral) // а.bich-nedra@yandex.ru Bykhovskiy L.Z. (VIMS) // lev@vims-geo.ru FEATURES OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES OF PRODUCTION OF POWDER MATERIALS FOR ADDITIVE (3D) TECHNOLOGIES AND RESEARCHES IN THE FIELD OF MATERIALS SCIENCE OF POWDER MATERIALS Leadership of the advanced economies of the world in an intensification of researches and implementation of additive (3D) technologies, orientation of results to the market of end high-technology products with a high value added is noted. The problem of weak providing with domestic mineral raw materials including a mineral origin is distinguished from the problems constraining implementation of additive (3D) technologies in Russia. Features of forming of the mineral resources (MSB) for production of powder materials are considered. For import substitution technogenic educations (fields) are recognized as the main source of mineral raw materials. The quantitative factor (mainly low-tonnage production) in forming of MSB proved a possibility of obtaining based on low-tonnage productions of new powder materials for carrying out researches in the field of materials science of powder materials. Actions which accomplishment will allow to create and develop domestic mineral resources of production of powder materials for additive (3D) technologies and researches in the field of materials science of powder materials are determined. Keywords: powder materials, AM-technologies, additive (3D) technologies, mineral resources. Р. 29-33
УДК 549.08 Ozhogin D.O. (GRK Company) // e-mail ozhogindenis@yandex.ru Ozhogina E.G. (VIMS) // vims-ozhogina@ mail.ru FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF QUANTITATIVE METHODS OF ANALYSIS MINERALOGY-CAL Today demanded quantitative analysis methods of mineral and granular composition of ores and rocks. Prospects for the development of quantitative mineralogical analysis should be linked to the improvement of the quality management system of the mineralogical works. Keywords: quantitative mineralogical analysis, techniques, methodology, ore, rock, metrological assurance. Р. 33-36
УДК 622.242.051 Mendebaev T.N. (Scientific and Implementation center ALMAS) // nvc_almas@mail.ru Smashov N.Zh. (Scientific and Implementation center ALMAS) // nur_cm@mail.ru Ismailov X.K.O. (Tsentrgeolsemka) // zaocgs@mail.ru Izakov B.K. (Tsentrgeolsemka) // zaocgs@mail.ru HYDRAULICS WITH A RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE FOR DRILLING WELLS Offers gidroustroystvo, the transformative power hammer washing fluid in the downhole renewable source of energy for destruction of rocks, allowing it to process uglubki wells at lower values of axial loading and frequency of rotation of rock cutting tool, which is confirmed by the results of laboratory tests compared to the traditional means of drilling. By design and technological capabilities, changing the form of destruction of rocks, gidroustroystvo can be an effective means of studying the earth. Keywords: oilfield, drilling, energy, wasp-wai load, rotation, renewable source energy, fluid. Р. 36-39


УДК 550.8.02 Alexandrov O.V. (CEFC Group) // aleksandrov@cefc.ru Dobrolyubova E.I. (Center for Economic and Financial Consulting) // dobrolyubova@cefc.ru Starostina A.N. (Center for Economic and Financial Consulting) // starostina@cefc.ru ON DEVELOPING MINERAL BASE OF COMMON MINERALS IN THE RUSSIAN REGIONS The article is based on the analysis of the program documents approved by the Russian regions concerning the reproduction of resources of common minerals. Demonstrate that currently there are significant deviations between the parameters used in the Russian Federation state program «Reproduction and Use of Natural Resources» and the regional programs, as far as the objectives, outputs, and performance targets related to the reproduction of resources of common minerals are concerned. To facilitate achieving the state policy goals in this area, it is recommended to (1) introduce the practice of reviewing regional programs which include activities concerning reproduction of common minerals’ resources at the federal level; (2) amend some of the relevant performance targets included in the Russian Federation state program «Reproduction and Use of Natural Resources»; and (3) regularly collect official data related to the effectiveness of implementation of the regional governments’ functions of reproducing mineral resources base in the framework of the Federal Plan for Statistic Activities. Keywords: reproduction of mineral resources base, mineral reserves, state program, common minerals, performance indicators, resources. Р. 39-42
УДК 553.3/.4:553.04:338 Lapteva A.M. (VIMS) // lapteva@vims-geo.ru PRICES FOR MINERAL RAW MATERIALS AS A FACTOR GOVERNING THE DEVELOPMENT OF RAW MATERIAL BASES OF SOLID MINERALS The role of prices of mineral raw materials as a factor affecting the development of raw material bases (RMB) of solid minerals is discussed. RMB state and the activity of subsurface-using companies in surveying and developing mineral raw-material objects, as well as the perspectives in the commissioning of new such objects are shown to depend on the prices in mineral markets. The conclusion made is that the choice of raw mineral objects for developming is mostly governed not by the objects’ parameters but by the comparison of the cost of the commercial raw material they contain with the cost of commercial production and the expedience of the development and inclusion in reserve appraisal of the system of unified ore cost categories. Keywords: mineral raw material base, deposit development, mining projects, prices of mineral raw materials, basic project costs, prime cost of raw-material production, resources, reserves. Р. 43-48


УДК 551.435.627 Sheshnev A.S. (Saratov State University) // sheshnev@inbox.ru DEVELOPMENT FACTORS AND MODERN DYNAMICS OF THE ZATONSKY LANDSLIDE (SARATOV CITY) The different state of activity of landslide processes for different areas of landslide Zatonsky, one of the largest on the territory of Saratov, was revealed. The key role of anthropogenic factor in the process of activation of landslide displacements is set. During the fifty years, the southern portion of the landslide have been being in the unreinforced state. Currently, he is being very unstable equilibrium. Modern use of land and landslide damage was shown. Keywords: landslide processes, landslide formation factors, Volgograd water reservoir, Saratov. Р. 49-53
УДК 504.5.06 Farkhutdinov I.M. (Bashkir State University) // iskhakgeo@gmail.com Farkhutdinova LM. (Bashkir State Medical University) // farkhutdinova@gmail.com THE ROLE OF GEOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUGAR DIABETES The influence of the geological factors on prevalence of type 2 diabetes is considered. The prevalence of the disease was evaluated according to the register of diabetes in the Republic of Bashkortostan for the 2010-2014. Mapping of the prevalence of diabetes was made by a computer program ArcGIS 10.2. Trace element composition of the terrain in different areas of the country was analyzed. The results of geochemical studies on the content in the soil of 45 chemical elements were used. 3 clusters were allocated, among which western was characterized by 2 times higher prevalence of diabetes compared to the northern and the uralian clusters. Reduced levels of iron and beryllium found by geochemical studies in the western cluster is consistent with the regional geological conditions. Areas with relatively high content of iron and beryllium in the soils associated with lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes, suggesting a possible protective role of these elements. Keywords: diabetes 2 type, geoecology, trace elements, medical geology, Urals. Р.


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