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E.I. Petrov (Federal Agency for Mineral Resources of the Russian Federation) WE OPEN A NEW CHAPTER OF BRICS COOPERATION P. 3 |
Igor V. Shpurov, Inna Ya. Edelman RESOURCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOVEREIGNTY AS THE FOUNDATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA According to the UN and other sources, the growth in global energy consumption will be around 30 % by 2050, even taking into account optimistic energy saving trends. Despite the projected growth in renewable energy production, fossil fuels will continue to be an important part of the global energy mix. It is found that although the share of fossil fuels is expected to reduce from 84 % today to 64 % in 2050, absolute oil production will remain at current levels while 35 % more gas will need to be produced. According to Global Gas Outlook Report by 2050, about 74 % of annual natural gas production will come from approved and new projects, as well as from the development of undiscovered resources. This suggests that current proven reserves are insufficient to meet growing demand and that exploration projects and new discoveries are essential. Keywords: energy consumption, fossil fuels, renewable energy sources, hydrocarbons, gas, exploration projects, investments. Р. 4-10 |
O. Kazanov, E. Malysheva, M. Puzanova, A. Chernova, L. Dorozhkina, E. Orlova, A. Goldin, M. Filippocheva, O. Tkachyova (FSBI «VIMS») MINERAL RESOURCE BASE OF THE BRICS+ COUNTRIES: OPPORTUNITIES FOR COOPERATION This paper provides the analysis of mineral resource base and mining industry of BRICS+ countries and their position in the world mineral commodities markets. Special attention is paid to strategic and critical minerals and metals, which are essential for a range of clean energy technologies and other high-tech industries. There is a significant potential for cooperation in mining sector within BRICS+ member countries. Keywords: mineral resource, mining industry, international cooperation, BRICS countries. Р. 11-19 |
D. N. Kobylkin (State Duma of the Russian Federation) BRICS ENABLES THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMON PRINCIPLES OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The article examines ranges of all countries for their place in the fourth industrial revolution. It is found that all parties recognise that the energy transition will take decades and will be accompanied by rising energy needs and costs. Risks of raw material shortages and high commodity prices are intensifying competition between countries. The article examines how BRICS can become a key platform for coordinating efforts to protect and promote national interests, as well as to develop common approaches to resource management. Keywords: energy transition, fourth industrial revolution, clean energy, resource management, energy sustainability, RES. Р. 20-21 |
I. Shpurov, V. Bratkova, N. Inamov (FBI «GKZ», International Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Resource Management, Digital Subsoil Use) UNITED NATIONS STANDARDS — A PLATFORM FOR CO-OPERATION AND THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PARTNER COUNTRIES Availability and accessibility of minerals, as well as the technologies that enable their efficient and independent extraction, underpin the development of the economies of all countries and ensure the possibility of meeting the needs of society. Developing cooperation between partner countries to develop on a new basis, combining national interests and international standards is a key step towards achieving sustainable development and creating an effective strategy to meet new global challenges, including energy challenges. For this purpose, it is necessary to know the reliable state of the resource base of partner countries, including for attracting investments in geological exploration and development of mineral resources, development and introduction of new efficient technologies. This can be done on the basis of mutually recognised common principles, standards and approaches for the evaluation of mineral reserves and resources by the partner countries; mutual recognition of competent persons; creation of converters for the translation of mineral reserves between national classifications. All this will create a sustainable and equitable resource management system to achieve sustainable development goals both in individual countries and the world as a whole. Keywords: SDGs, resources, UNFC, energy efficiency, critical minerals, fossil fuels, consolidation, converter, mutual recognition of experts and competent persons, harmonization of national reserve and resource assessment system Р. 22-24 |
S.V. Gudkov, D.L. Nikishin, N.F. Mirkerimova, D.A. Erygin (FSO «Rosgeolexpertiza») KEY TRENDS OF DEVELOPMENT OF STATE GOVERNANCE AND LEGAL REGULATION IN THE FIELD OF SUBSOIL USE The article examines recent trends in state governance related to subsoil use, focusing on key regulatory legislation enacted in the last five years. It also evaluates the outlook for legislation and state governance efforts aimed at encouraging private investment in geological exploration, fostering growth in junior exploration companies, and implementing digital transformation within the industry. Keywords: state governance, regulatory legislation, subsoil, subsoil use, private investment, geological exploration, junior exploration companies, digital transformation Р. 24-28 |
L.A. Krinochkin, V.A. Kilipko, O.K. Krinochkina, V.I. Blokov (FSBI «IMGRE», MGSU) REGIONAL GEOCHEMICAL SURVEY AS A TOOL FOR REPLENISHING THE NUCLEAR ENERGY MINERAL BASE IN THE BRICS COUNTRIES (AS EXEMPLIFIED BY THE U MINERALIZATION IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA) The paper portrays geochemical features of the sequence underlying the southern part of the European Russia, aiming at prediction of the uranium concentrations and strengthening the uranium mineral base of this region. The 1:1M stream sediment and soil surveys over the L-38 map sheet territory produced the data needed as a knowledge base of the relevant map. The sampling density in both types of surveys was 1 per 100 sq. km. Mobile species of U and related elements, a total of 60, were assayed using ICP-MS. Identification of nine anomalous areas promising to contain payable mineral deposits, probably of the paleo-valley style, made the practical side of the research. This may expand the uranium mineral base of this economically well-developed region with currently limited reserves of such materials. Keywords: south of European Russia, uranium, mineral base, geochemically anomalous area Р. 28-34 |
Shatov V.V., Tkachenko М.А., Leontiev V.I., Kashin S.V. (Karpinsky Institute) PREDICTION OF BASE AND PRECIOUS MINERAL DEPOSITS BASED ON MINERALOGICAL-GEOCHEMICAL STUDY AND MAPPING OF HYDROTHERMALLY ALTERED ROCKS The article addresses the objectives and basic procedures of the petrographic-geochemical approach to the mineralogical-geochemical study and mapping of hydrothermally altered rocks with the aim of predicting mineralization during prospecting and assessment work at 1:25,000 (1:10,000) scale. The features of field, petrographic, geochemical, and mapping work are considered. Using the example of the Chumysh gold ore field (Magadan Region), the resulting component of this approach to the mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemical study of alteration types in predicting blind mineralization is shown. Keywords: mapping, metasomatites, forecast, deposits, base and precious metals Р. 34-44 |
P.V. Khimchenko (All-Russian Geological Research Institute of A. P. Karpinsky (Karpinsky Institute)) INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME OF THE KARPINSKY INSTITUTE: THE GEOLOGICAL CLASSES PROJECT AS AN EDUCATIONAL BASIS FOR THE RUSSIAN GEOLOGICAL SCHOOL ABROAD Karpinsky Geological Classes is a unique educational project of the Karpinsky Institute aimed at developing and implementing joint initiatives with friendly countries in the field of geology, mineral management and geoscience. To date, the Karpinsky Classes have been opened and are operating successfully in Cuba, Ethiopia, Ghana and Mozambique. In total, the project is aimed to set up an educational network of 25 classes around the world. The practical result of the Karpinsky Geological Classes will be the creation of an effective mechanism for scientific support of joint applied projects in geology and mineral management with friendly countries. Keywords: Russian Geological School, Karpinsky Class, geology and mineral management Р. 44-46 |
S.G. Kryazhev, E.A. Naumov, A.Yu. Shirobokov, V.E. Vasyukov, Yu.V. Vilenkina (FSBI «TsNIGRI») SEARCHING FOR HIDDEN DEPOSITS OF BASE AND PRECIOUS METALS USING THE ION-SORPTION METHOD IS A PROMISING DIRECTION OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION Lithogeochemical prospecting of hidden deposits of base and precious metals using the ion-sorption method is described. Specific examples from the practice of geochemical exploration and experimental methodological work are given. Keywords: lithogeochemical, ore deposits, base and precious metals. Р. 47-52 |
A.I. Ivanov, E.A. Naumov, D. A. Kulikov, M.M. Girfanov, T.V. Seravina, M.I. Fomina (FSBI «TsNIGRI») CONTRIBUTION OF FSBI «TSNIGRI» TO THE INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION OF ROSNEDRA WITH THE BRICS COUNTRIES IN THE FIELD OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCE STUDY The article presents an overview of participation of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Central Research Institute of Geological Prospecting for Base and Precious Metals» (FSBI «TsNIGRI»), subordinated to the Federal Subsoil Resources Management Agency (Rosnedra), in the international cooperation, in both the historical and modern aspects. The role of the institute in the implementation of Rosnedra’s international cooperation programs is shown in the framework of activities of the relevant bilateral and multilateral intergovernmental boards, commissions, and specialized working groups. The main directions of the international activities and current tasks facing FSBI «TsNIGRI» in the international cooperation in sphere of the geology and mineral resource study are considered. The growing importance of the interaction between countries incorporated into the BRICS association in the sphere of geology and subsoil mineral resource use is noted. Keywords: BRICS; Rosnedra; FSBI «TsNIGRI»; international cooperation; geology and mineral resource study; bilateral intergovernmental commissions on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation; Great Altai Р. 53-66 |
Dezhnikova I.Yu., Limantseva O.A., Alekseeva N.V. (FSBI «HYDROSPETZGEOLOGIYA») THE GROUNDWATER MONITORING SYSTEM IN RUSSIA. DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS The state monitoring of the state of the subsoil is an integral part of the state environmental monitoring and monitoring of water bodies. Groundwater monitoring is carried out at observation points in order to assess the current state of groundwater and forecast its changes under the influence of natural and man-made processes. Keywords: State monitoring of the state of the subsoil, groundwater, exogenous geological processes, state reference monitoring network for groundwater monitoring, observation point. Р. 66-69 |
D.B. Arakcheev, E.M. Yuon, K.V. Alekseev, I.V. Zakharkin, E.V. Mazur (FSBI «Rosgeolfond») GEOLOGY OF DATA — GEOLOGY OF THE FUTURE The article discusses the main tasks and key achievements of information technologies of the FSBI «Rosgeolfond», implemented during the digital development of the subsoil use industry in 2022–2024. Keywords: digitalization, data analysis, subsoil management, electronic license, State information systems of Rosnedra, Rosnedra. Р. 70-75 |
УДК 551.321 G.L. Leitchenkov, P.G. Talalay, N. Zhang, I.A. Abdrakhmanov, D. Gong, Y. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Sun, M. Vorobyev, B. Li (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean (VNIIOkeangeologia), St. Petersburg, Russia; St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia; Institute of Polar Science and Engineering, College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, China; School of Engineering and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China; Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) FIRST TARGETED GEOLOGICAL SAMPLING BENEATH THE EAST ANTARCTIC ICE SHEET: JOINT RUSSIAN-CHINESE DRILLING PROJECT Targeted bedrock sampling was carried out on Princess Elizabeth Land by drilling through a 545 m thick ice. The borehole was drilled using cable-suspended Ice and Bedrock Electromechanical Drill (IBED) designed by the Jilin University (China) and under a joint scientific project between VNIIOkeangeologia, Jilin University and China University of Geosciences (Beijing). The drill site is located on the axis of a high-amplitude linear magnetic anomaly that runs parallel to the coast for more than 500 km from Princess Elizabeth Land to Mac.Rosbertson Land. The nature of this anomaly remained unclear, but it is thought to be related to the suture zone between Proterozoic terrains formed during the Neoproterozoic amalgamation of the Rodinia supercontinent. Keywords: Antarctica, drilling, bedrock, ice cores, rocks, magnetic anomaly Р. 75-78 |
УДК [550.8+551.35+549.3]341.2 Cherkashоv G.A., Beltenev V.E., Egorov I.V., Petukhov S.I., Ermakovа L.A., Kolchina N.L., Sergeev M.B., Kondratenko A.V., Firstovа A.V., Sotnikova A.S., Bitch A.S., Yakovenko L.S. (FSBI «VNIIOkeangeologia», St. Petersburg State University, JSC PMEE) THE RESULTS OF THE GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION FOR DEEP-SEA POLYMETALLIC SULPHIDES AT THE AXIAL ZONE OF THE MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE An overview on Russian studies of seafloor massive sulfides (SMS) in the axial zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) at the Russian Exploration Area (REA) is presented. Geological framework of MAR segment between 12° and 21°N as well as geological settings of discovered SMS deposits are described. Exploration methods and techniques been used during Russian studies (including the period of lasting the exploration contract for SMS between International Seabed Authority and Ministry of Mineral Resources and Environment of Russian Federation) are given. Keywords: seafloor massive sulphides, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Russian Exploration Area, hydrothermal site, black smokers, deep-sea research, International Seabed Authority Р. 79-84 |
P.N. Melnikov, A.V. Soloviov, D.A. Astashkin, R.B. Serzhantov, I.L. Paizanskaya, S.A. Borisenko, M.Yu. Vitsenovsky (FSBI «VNIGNI») VNIGNI APRELEVKA BRANCH-BASED FEDERAL CORE FUND: CURRENT STATE, EQUIPMENT, AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The article discusses the history of the emergence, current state, and achievements of the Aprelevsk branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «VNIGNI» in the creation and operation of a modern core storage and the Federal Fund for Core Material, and opportunities for international cooperation. The importance of not only the collection and systematization of core material, but also the information obtained during its study: petrophysical, geochemical, lithological, paleontological, geophysical, etc. is emphasized. state of the art, meet the highest standards and conduct a wide range of research. Keywords: Federal Fund for Core Material; core storage; Scientific and Analytical Center; geochemistry; petrophysics; lithology; paleontology; geophysics; oil; gas; core. Р. 84-90 |
E.N. Cheremisina, A.V. Lyubimova, K.N. Markov, M.Ya. Finkel’shtein (FSBI «VNIGNI») RUSSIAN SOFTWARE AND TECHNOLOGY COMPLEX GIS INTEGRO AND DIGITAL PLATFORM OF VNIGNI FOR COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT OF GEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FOR OIL AND GAS The article discusses the Russian software and technological solutions GIS INTEGRO and GEOBANK, developed at the Federal State Budgetary Institution «VNIGNI». GIS INTEGRO is a unique software and technology complex for creating geoinformation projects and comprehensive geological and geophysical modeling of the geological structure of subsoil areas. The GEOBANK digital platform implements information exchange, including the collection, systematization, storage, visualization and delivery of geological and geophysical information in all areas of scientific and production activities of the institute. The article reveals the main capabilities of the above-mentioned software and technological complexes and the advantages of their use in the geological research for oil and gas. Keywords: information technologies, geoinformation system, systematization, storage, cartography, three-dimensional modeling, classification Р. 91-94 |
V.Y. Morozov, A.S. Timchuk, A.А. Bayanova (FAI «ZapSibNIIGG») ALWAYS ON THE LOOKOUT: GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION OF THE SUBSURFACE FOR THE REPRODUCTION OF THE HYDROCARBON RESOURCE BASE OF THE WEST SIBERIAN OIL AND GAS PROVINCE The article shows the effectiveness of the integrated approach of the ZapSibNIIGG to conducting geological exploration of the subsoil and further industrial development of hydrocarbon deposits using the example of the West Siberian oil and gas province. The prospects for cooperation with the BRICS countries lie in joint work on the geological study of the subsurface, planning strategic directions for geological exploration aimed at assessing the prospects for oil and gas potential of the territory, searching for hydrocarbon deposits in order to ensure the reproduction of the hydrocarbon resource base. Keywords: West Siberian oil and gas province, thematic and experimental methodological work, monitoring of the state of subsoil use, regional geological study of the subsoil, seismic exploration, design activities, corporate database. Р. 94-104 |