CONTENTS № 10/2019 |
Naumov G.B. The interaction of exogenous and endogenous factors of uranium mineralization УДК 553.495:553.2+551.3+551.2 Naumov G.B. (Vernadsky State Geological Museum, RAS) // THE INTERACTION OF EXOGENOUS AND ENDOGENOUS FACTORS OF URANIUM MINERALIZATION The task of improving approaches to forecasting uranium deposits is being solve. The division of ore formation factors into endogenous and exogenous factors makes it difficult to analyze the processes preceding the formation of ore bodies. They play a significant role in the events that later led to the formation of ore clusters. Examples of deposits of structural and stratigraphic disagreements of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age are given. Keywords: ore formation, uranium deposits, exogenous and endogenous processes. Р. 3-7 |
УДК 553.41:553.065.3+552.086 (571.620) Trushin S.I. (Polymetal of UK) // Kirillov V.E. (Albazino resources) // Ivanov B.B. (Far East Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) // Pоlin V.F. (Far East Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) // GOLD AND SILVER MINERALIZATION OF THE VOLCANOGENIC DEPOSITS IN THE KIRANKAN AND AVLAYAKAN ORE CLUSTER (THE WESTERN OKHOTSK REGION)Kirankan and Avlayakan ore cluster is located in the southern part of Ayano-May District of Khabarovsk Territory. It includes Avlayakan, Kirankan and Kundumy epithermal gold and silver deposits. The Late Cretaceous ore mineralization associated with the final acidic volcanic plutonism of the Okhotsk Chukchi volcanic belt. Gold and silver mineralization is located in the quartz and quartz-adularia veins in halos of propylites and quartz-sericite metasomatites. The location in rocks of two structural units (Archean foundation and volcanogenic formations) is one of the main mineralization peculiarity.Keywords: gold and silver deposits, epithermal, volcanogenic formation, Okhotsk region.Р. 7-14 |
УДК 553.411.071 Vladimirtseva O.V. (MGRI-RGGRU) // Nabelkin O.A. (IMGRE) // Subbotin N.A. (Moscow branch VSEGEI) // PHYSICAL FEATURES OF HYPOGENIC AND HYPERGENIC GOLD FORMATIONS OF MAN-MADE DEPOSITS OF SNOW STREAM (VERKHOYAN DISTRICT, YAKUTIA) This article presents the results of a study of the chemical composition of the residual hypogenic gold placer stream Snezhnyy and hypergenic formations on it. The study of the material composition and structure of the residual hypogenic alluvial gold reveals the features of the ore source. Characteristics of supergene assemblages of the gold particles reflect the conditions of transfer of gold and the formation of placers that allows to judge about the remoteness and the type of power metal. Keywords: Adycha-Turinskaya area, Verkhoyanskiy district, gold deposits, hypergenic gold-rich rims. Р. 15-20 |
УДК: 550.837.211 Tarasov A.V. (VIRG-Rudgeofizika, St. Petersburg State University) // Ihina E.R. (VIRG-Rudgeofizika) // Kayukov A.E. (Baikal Nedra Geo) // Goglev D.A. (GEOSCAN) // EXPERIENCE OF USING LOW-ALTITUDE AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY WITH THE COMPLEX GEOSCAN-401-GEOPHYSICS AT THE SYNYR ULTRAPOTASSIC IGNEOUS MASSIF The article presents the results of aeromagnetic survey carried out at the Synnyr ultrapotassic igneous massif (North-Baikal region of Russia). GEOSCAN-401-Geophysics unmanned aeromagnetic complex was used to measure magnetic field at low altitude above relief surface. A new geologic-structural information was obtained as a result of the aeromagnetic data processing. It allowed to correct drilling program on the prospecting area. Keywords: aeromagnetic survey, unmanned aerial systems, Synyr massif, ultrapotassic rocks, shonkinite. Р. 20-31 |
УДК: 556 Gaveish V.R. (MGRI-RGGRU, National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Cairo, Egypt) // Maraev I.A. (MGRI-RGGRU) // El-Deeb M.A.-S. (National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Cairo, Egypt) // El-Barbary S.M. (National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Cairo, Egypt) // HYDROCHEMICAL ANALYSES FOR ASSESSMENT OF GROUNDWATER AQUIFER IN EL-BAHARIYA OASIS (WESTERN DESERT, EGYPT) The study area is located in El- Bahariya Oasis, Western desert, Egypt. It is located near from El- Gedida Mine for iron exploration, so this mine maybe polluted the groundwater in the study area. Therefore, it’s important to study the quality of groundwater for irrigation purpose. Eleven groundwater samples were collected from open wells and many geochemical diagrams were constructed by AquaChem program to determine the type and quality of water samples that collected from the study area. Keyword: groundwater aquifer, hydrochemical analysis, El-Bahariya Oasis, Egypt. Р. 31-35 |
УДК:549.514.51:622.357.6 Svetova E.N. (Institute of Geology, Karelian Research Centre, RAS) // Skamnitskaya L.S. (Institute of Geology, Karelian Research Centre, RAS) // Shanina S.N. (Institute of Geology, Komi Research Center, Uralian Branch of RAS) // WATER CONTENT IN THE WEAKLY TRANSPARENT VEIN QUARTZ OF THE FENKINA-LAMPI (KARELIA) DEPOSIT AS THE CRITERION OF ITS GRADE The water content in vein quartz of the Fenkina-Lampi deposit was studied using optical microscopy, spectrophotometry, vacuum decrepitation, thermogravimetry and pyrolytic gas chromatography. It is shown that quartz has significant thermal desorption of water in the high-temperature region (600–1000 °С), which negatively characterizes its grade as a raw material for high quality fused glass. This necessitates the development of a special processing technology for this quartz. Keywords: vein quartz, high purity quartz, fluid inclusion, Fenkina-Lampi deposit. Р. 35-40 |
УДК 550.882+622/245+(085.4)+006.5 Palatkin D.V. (Rosgeolfond) // Komarov M.A. (Rosgeolfond) // ORGANIZATION AND CONTENT OF WORK WITH CORE The principles, methods and operational content with core and accompanying documentation of drilling wells and in state specialized storage facilities are reviewed. The relevance of high-quality of core sampling from representative wells that most fully characterize the geological structure of the subsurface site (occurrences, mineral deposits) is noted. The Authors propose to establish head organization with certain functions for monitoring the state of work with core and accounting for the storage of core material in the subsoil use system. Keywords: core, core samples, bank of core samples, well types, representative wells, geological documentation, storage. Р. 40-43 |
УДК: 622.32 Maslova L.V. (MGRI-RGGRU) // TYPING OF TERRITORIES WHEN SEARCHING FOR LOCATIONS FOR UNDERGROUND GAS STORAGE FACILITIES In Russia there is a shortage of underground gas storage facilities. The conditions for their creation are extremely specific and require multidimensional analysis. The service life of underground gas storage facilities is calculated for decades, which means such facilities should be located taking into account the subsequent long-term negative environmental impact. The typification of territories according to geo-ecological criteria simplifies the process and allows narrowing down the search for suitable conditions, taking into account various factors. Keywords: underground gas storage, geo-ecology, typification, conditions, criteria, impact, tire. Р. 43-47 |
550.4+502.55+06.091.5 Yanin E.P. (GEOKHI) // AT THE ORIGINS OF ECOLOGICAL GEOCHEMISTRY (85- YEARS FROM THE BIRTHDAY OF Y.E. SAETA) The article describes the creative path of the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences Yu.E. Saet, whose scientific work and organizational activity played a prominent role in the formation of a new scientific discipline – environmental geochemistry. Keywords: history of geochemistry, geochemical methods, environmental geochemistry, environment, technogenesis. Р. 47-54 |