
Ligin A.M., Annenkov A.A., Spektor S.V., Stazhilo-Alekseev S.K., Vasiliev G.D.Organization and implementation of hydro-geodynamic monitoring of the Russian federation territory and prospects for cooperation with CIS countries

Markarjan V.V., Vozhik A.A. Zoning the territory of the Sochi ground on the level of landslide hazard based on GIS analysis

Shamurzaeva D.A. History of studying and the main features of development of the landslide process in the Republic Dagestan

Korolev B.I., Grokholsky N.S., Lisenkov A.B. Diagnosis and prognosis of situation of the ecohydrological systems based on the analysis of landscape and geoenvironmental information

Manukian V.A. Global exhibition of fluid-geodynamic effects in the modern breaches of the earth’s crust


Egorov N.N., Annenkov A.A. Geological and hydrogeological research technique for choice of geological structures to construct subsurface oil and gas reservoirs

Grabovnikov V.A., Egorov N.N., Annenkov A.A., Veretennikov Yu.N. The experience of subsurface disposal of liquid waste of “Pigment” Public Corporation


Egorov N.N., Blazhnov Ya.N., Bolgarova K.I., Morozov A.F., Chepkasova T.V. Engineering and geological map model of the territory of the Russian Federation according to conditions of underground development

Egorov N.N., Blazhnov Ya.N., Ligin A.M., Balabanov I.P., Nikiforov S.P. Principles of creation of zoning maps according to the hazardous level of natural geological processes


Grabovnikov V.A., Manukian V.A., Cheremushkin B.A., Mamontov V.V. About flowmeter survey shortcomings of hydrogeological wells in aquifers of great thickness

Goriachenkov V.A., Voznesenskaya V.A., Volosenko S.I., Sapozhnikov V.V. Geological aspect of development of mobile soil rocket complexes

Kryukov O.V., Glinsky M.L., Drozhko E.G. Organization of site-based monitoring of the subsoil at the sites of «Rosatom» National Corporation

Glinsky M.L., Egorova V.A., Chertkov L.G. Geological structure features of the site for location of Nizhegorodskaya nuclear power station and their considerations in design decisions of its construction

Svyatovets S.V., Shtompel V.V., Shubin A.V. Analytical informational system of site-based subsoil monitoring for companies of «Rosatom» National Corporation

Glinsky M.L., Kuvaev A.A., Ter-Saakyane S.A., Belov K.V., Pozdnyakov S.P. Numerical simulation of PO «Mayak» liquid industrial waste disposal into deep aquifers of the Techa-Brodskaya structure

Prozorov L.B., Glagolev A.V. Conditions of formation of ground water radionuclide contamination of the Elhkovka river valley around chemical combine


Категория: 2012