12 – 2010

Greetings to participants of XII All-Russia meeting «Innovative directions of studying, an estimation and efficiency of use of a mineralno-raw-material base of firm combustible minerals»
Logvinov M.I., Starokozheva G.I., Faidov O.Ye. Coal raw material base of Russia: prospects for development of extraction on main directions of use

Murzin O.V., Ludvig V.M., Pakh I.E., Nekipeliy V.L., Uvarov A.N. Condition and problems of the mineral raw material base of stone coal of Kuzbas and ways of increase of effectiveness of its use

Gipich L.V., Khrustalyova G.K., Markov A.G. Condition of geological study and prospects of assimilation of resources of oil shales at the еuropean part of Russia

Vinickiy A.Ye., Zhurbitskiy B.I. Systems of classification and state registration of the hard minerals resources of different countries (coals and oil shales)

Kolomenskiy G.Yu., Gipich L.V., Kolomenskaya V.G. Legal ensuring of mining of technogenous mineral deposits of coal row

Zaitsev A.I, Kravchenko Yu.A. Problems of assimilation and reproduction of coal raw material base of the Altay region

Streltsov V.K. Prospects for development of coal branch of the Sakhalin region to 2015–2020 years

Khrustalyova G.K. Some aspects of the problem of sulphurous oil shales

Gamov M.I. Factors of classification of the admixture elements in coals of Eastern Donbas

Logvinov M.I., Starokozheva G.I. Methodical principles of geological-economical reestimation of coal objects of undistributed subsoil fund of Russia

Androsova G.B., Mikerova V.N. Analysis of results of geological-prospecting works for coal, executed at the expense of means of the federal budget in 2005-2008 years

Vyalov V.I., Kuzevanova Ye.V., Nelubov P.A., Zmiyevskiy Yu.P., Klucharev D.S. Rare metal-coal deposits of the Primorye

Khasanov R.R., Islamov A.F. Mineralogy of inorganic matter of fossil coals of the Volga-Ural territory

Kiryukov V.V., Kuskov V.B., Nezametdinov A.B., Novikova V.N. Peculiarities of coals for obtaining of suspension fuel by data of their supramolecular structure study

Gurevich A.B., Volkova G.M. Contact metamorphism of coals in the Tunguska and Taimyr basins

Samofalov V.S., Kurakov Yu.I., Malikov I.N., Perederiy M.A. Active coals made of anthracites

Fomenko N.Ye. Areas of application of the electrical-prospecting technologies at the coalfields

Resolution of the XII All-Russian coal conference
Kremenetsky A.A., Arhipov N.A., Maksimjuk I.E., Usova T.J. IMGRE — the rare metals: past, present, future

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