CONTENTS № 01/2023 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_03 УДК 504:43; 550.4; 614:79 Abdulmutalimova T.O. (Institute for Problems of Geothermy and Renewable Energy, branch of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Institute of Geology of the Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) Ramazanov O.M. (Institute for Problems of Geothermy and Renewable Energy, branch of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) GEOGENIC CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN GROUNDWATER USED FOR DRINKING IN DAGHESTAN REPUBLIC One of the main factors of human well-being is the high quality water supplying. In many countries groundwater is the main source of drinking water. The geological peculiarities of Daghestan republic is the main reason of chemical differences of ground water from south mountain part of the region to north plain part. The aim of this research is the comparative analysis of regional features of groundwater and its accordance with hygienic requirements for water used by population for drinking. Keywords: groundwater, drinking water supply, geogenic chemical elements, human health, Daghestan Republic. Р.3-9 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_10 УДК 631.41, 631.46 Khayrullina E.A. (Natural Science Institute of PSNIU, Perm) Mitrakova N.V. (Natural Science Institute of PSNIU, Perm) Maksimov A.Yu. (Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms PFIC UrO RAS, Perm) MICROBIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF SOILS IN CONDITIONS OF RECEIPT OF TECHNOGENIC HIGHLY MINERALIZED EFFLUENTS OF MINING ENTERPRISES The potassium-magnesium salt production is accompanied by technogenic salinisation, leading to the transformation of microbiocenoses and a shift in their geochemical role in soil property formation. Shewanella, Acidocella, Acidophilium, and Thiomicrospira bacteria can reduce iron and manganese and produce sulphides in marine and highly mineralized environments. These bacteria predominate in secondary solonchaks of floodplain landscapes with very high salinity (the amount of toxic salts reaches 17 %). Sulphidic solonchaks and hydrotroilite horizon in solonchaks of taiga landscapes form as a result of interactions between microorganisms, soils, and highly mineralised water enriched with sulphate ions and iron. Keywords: soil salinity, secondary solonchak, microorganisms, sulfidisation process, iron recovery. Р.10-14 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_14 УДК 004.9:504.03
Osipova N.A. (FGAOU VO «Natsional’nyy issledovatel’skiy Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy universitet» Osipov K.Yu. (Institut optiki atmosfery im. V.E. Zuyeva SO RAN) Novikov S.A. (FGAOU VO «Natsional’nyy issledovatel’skiy Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy universitet» Talovskaya A.V. (FGAOU VO «Natsional’nyy issledovatel’skiy Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy universitet» Yazikov E.G. (FGAOU VO «Natsional’nyy issledovatel’skiy Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy universitet») PROCESSING OF ECOLOGICAL AND GEOCHEMICAL DATA TO ASSESS THE RISK TO PUBLIC HEALTH USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Software has been developed to solve practical medical, environmental and geoecological problems related to assessing the risk to public health from exposure to toxic chemicals accumulating in street dust, solid snow sediment, and soils. The process of calculating intermediate characteristics is systematized in the form of an algorithm that reflects all stages of the process, starting from the collection of initial information. The database on the content of elements in depositing media is converted into a format for risk assessment. The program is equipped with a user-friendly graphical interface, tools for data entry and visualization of calculation results and theoretical blocks for new users. The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR grant within the framework of the scientific project No. 20-05-00675 A. Keywords: computer technology, health risk assessment, street dust. Р.14-18 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_18 УДК 551.510.42:546.65 (571.56-25) Makarov V.N. (P.I. Melnikov Permafrost Institute SB RAS) RARE EARTH ELEMENTS, Th AND U IN SUSPENDED MATTER IN THE SUMMER AND WINTER SURFACE ATMOSPHERE OF YAKUTSK The distribution of rare earth elements (REE) in particulate matter (PM) in the summer and winter surface atmosphere of Yakutsk has been studied. It has been established that the average concentration of REE in explosives: in summer 0.0n-10n, in winter — 0.0n-n mg/kg. In the system soil-explosive dust-explosive snow, a uniform decrease in the concentration of REE is observed. The bulk of REE — about 99 % — falls out of the atmosphere during the warm period of the year. The volume of atmospheric input of REE into the city territory averages about 625 μg/m2 day, mainly due to La, Ce, Nd, and Y. In the areas of geochemical anomalies in the northern industrial part of the city, this value increases two to three times. The total fallout of REE on the territory of the city is about 1.2·10–2 % of the annual intake of pollutants from the atmosphere. Keywords: atmosphere, suspended solids, city, rare earth elements. Р. 18-21 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_21 УДК 616-002.18 Denisova O.A. (Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk), Baranovskaya N.V. (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University) Chernogoryuk G.E. (Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk) Kalacheva T.P. (Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk) SARCOIDOSIS AS GRANULOMATOUS RESPONSE TO ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMICAL FACTORS The study compared the elemental composition of the lungs, lymph nodes and blood in sarcoidosis. The material was obtained from patients during diagnostic biopsy. The elements were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The lungs and lymph nodes are characterized by the accumulation of elements Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Cs, Ba, Eu, Tb, Lu, Hf, Th, U compared with the control. In the blood, on the contrary, there is a deficiency of essential elements, accumulation of La, Sc, Hf. The spectrum of the accumulation of elements corresponds to the geochemical features of the study region. Sarcoidosis can be thought of as a granulomatous inflammation in response to environmental geochemical factors. Keywords: sarcoidosis, chemical elements, trace elements, environment. Р. 21-25 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_25 УДК 502.3+622.32 Vorobyov D.V. (Regional Volga Branch International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety) ECOPROPHYLAXIS IS A SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONCEPT OF PRESERVING THE HEALTH OF THE POPULATION IN ENVIRONMENTALLY UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS The article deals with topical issues of the relationship between the increasing environmental pollution by ecotoxicants, the increase in accidents at oil and gas industry enterprises, pollution of the Black Sea and the deterioration of the health of children and adults living in industrial cities. As practical solutions to this problem, the author suggests 3 directions underlying the scientific and practical concept of «Ecoprophylaxis» developed by him. Keywords: accident rate, oil and gas industry enterprises, urban population, ecotoxicosis, morbidity of children, mortality, scientific and practical concept, ecoprophylaxis, Black Sea resorts, Bormash engineering center, ecoprophylaxis school, wellness activities. Р. 25-29 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_29 УДК 504.75:551.432.26:711.455 (575.4) Zhidkova E.S. (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University) Kremkova E.V. (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University) Pechenkin I.G. (VIMS) THE ROLE OF MEDICAL GEOLOGY IN SOLVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS OF THE FOOTHILLS PLAINS AND HEALTH OF THEIR POPULATION The dynamic model of ore genesis in the Central Kopetdag in recent times has been developed. Two ore zones were formed here: the front and inner folds. Each zone has mercury sulfides, lead, zinc, etc., other toxic elements — thallium, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, and antimony, were found in insignificant concentrations. Surface waters are enriched with these harmful components. On the other hand, the northern foothills plains of the Kopetdag is characterized by the presence of numerous healing springs, some of which have been used for medicinal purposes for more than 100 years. Such a unique combination of diverse ecological and geochemical zones requires further study. Keywords:medical geology, Central Kopetdag, dynamic model of ore genesis, toxic elements, Archman, Bakharden, Mollakara. Р. 29-38 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_38 УДК 55:61+577.4(063) Volfson I.F. (IMGRE, ROSGEO) MEDICINE AND GEOLOGY: ON THE WAY TO RAPPORT Medical geology is an emerging (or re-emerging) discipline that, broadly defined, examines the public health impacts of geologic materials and geologic processes. It is a dynamic discipline bringing together the geoscience, biomedical, and public health communities to solve a wide range of environmental health problems. This scientific feild is a response to one of the most acute challenges of the time — the existence of man as a biological species. Among the priority tasks of medical geology is the unification of various branches of biomedical and geological sciences into a comprehensive system of knowledge about the health of living organisms. Keywords: medical geology, environmental geochemistry, biogeochemical provinces, biogeochemical endemicity, shungite, shilajit, selenium, manganese, iodine. Р. 38-43 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_43 УДК 550.75, 504.75.06, 504.064.37 Bogdan E.A. (Bashkir State University) Volkov A.M. (Scientific Research Institute of Life Safety) Belan L.N. (Bashkir State University) Mokeev D.Yu. (Bashkir State University, Hunter map) REMOTE MONITORING AS A TOOL FOR CONTROLLING UNAUTHORIZED PLACEMENT OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE The paper describes the processes and methodology for decoding municipal solid waste landfills using publicly available spectrosonal satellite images. The use of visual decryption and semiautomatic classification of satellite images for the rapid identification of landfills of municipal solid waste is proposed. The results of the work will allow detecting the sources of accumulated and actual environmental damage and providing the authorized body of the Republic of Bashkortostan for environmental protection with operational information for decision-making. Keywords: remote sensing of the Earth, satellite images, geographic information systems, image decryption, municipal solid waste, unauthorized landfills, UNESCO global geopark. Р. 43-52 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2023_01_53 УДК 551.311.234 Levchenko E.N. (IMGRE) Volkova N.M. (IMGRE) THE IMPACT OF MINING ENTERPRISES ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL SITUATION IN THE NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE MURMANSK REGION The article presents the results of an ecological and geochemical assessment of the current state of the territory of the North-Western Federal District (NWFD), which is one of the regions with a high concentration of mining enterprises. The cumulative impact of man-made objects formed as a result of the activities of mining and processing enterprises, their possible impact on the current unfavorable environmental situation in the study area is analyzed. The sanitary and epidemiological factors that form negative trends in the state of health of the population of the Murmansk region living in the mining and industrial regions are shown. The main directions for reducing the environmental damage of mining and metallurgical production and the accumulation of its waste are proposed. Keywords: environmental geochemistry, environmental components, heavy metals, toxicchemical elements, environmental risks, public health. Р. 53-63 |