CONTENTS № 9/2022 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2022_09_03 УДК 553.411 (571.61) Kungurova V.E. (Scientific Research Geotechnological Center, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) // Stepanov V.A. (Scientific Research Geotechnological Center, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) // ON THE PECULIARITIES OF THE GRAPHITOVOYE COPPER-NICKEL ORE OCCURRENCE IN THE SHANUCH ORE FIELD (KAMCHATKA) This article describes a unique graphite-containing copper-nickel ore occurrence in the Shanuch ore field which belongs to the Kamchatka nickel province bearing the same name. A genetic link between the mineralisation and intrusion of quartz diorites and hornblende gabbro is shown. Graphite adhesion around sulphide melt droplets is suggested to have contributed to their buoyancy and accumulation in the upper part of the low-density intrusion. Commercial copper-nickel mineralisation in the deep horizons of the intrusion is predicted. Keywords: copper-nickel ore occurrence, graphite, adhesion, diorites, gabbro. Р.3-7 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2022_09_08 УДК: 553.493:553.3.078 (575. 11) Ezhkov Yu.B. (Institute of Mineral Resources State Institution (IMR), State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Geology and Mineral Resources (Goscomgeology RUz)// Rakhimov R.R. (Institute of Mineral Resources State Institution (IMR), State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Geology and Mineral Resource (Goscomgeology RUz)// Holiyorov A.T. (Institute of Mineral Resources State Institution (IMR), State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Geology and Mineral Resources (Goscomgeology RUz)// Toshmetov U.Kh. (Institute of Mineral Resources State Institution (IMR), State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Geology and Mineral Resources (Goscomgeology RUz)// NEW ABOUT THE GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGENY OF THE RARE-METAL BARKRAK DEPOSIT (UZBEKISTAN) As an example of the manifestation of the genetic relationship of mineralization with granitoid intrusions, contributing to the formation of industrial endogenous ore deposits, the features of the genesis of the Barkrak granitoid (apogranite) pluto (garpolite), characterized by a unique specialization in a complex of oxyphilic and sulfurophilic rare elements, manifested in their wide and intense mineralogy, covering 7 ore-mineral associations, are considered. Keywords: Barkrak intrusive, granite, mineragenia, scarn, exo-and endogreisen, lithium, niobium, tantalum, beryllium, fluorite. Р.8-13 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2022_09_14 УДК 061.62+553.493:622 Lugovskaya I.G. (VIMS)// Pechenkin I.G. (VIMS)// Yakushina O.I. (VIMS)// DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOMESTIC RARE METALS INDUSTRY The article is devoted to the creation and development of the domestic mineral resource base and the rare metals industry in the period of 1924–1935. The role of IPM-VIMS in solving these problems during geological exploration and experimental technological work is shown. Special attention is paid not only to the work on rare earth elements – germanium and lithium, but also to their geochemical properties, circulation in the geosphere. The crystal-chemical features of minerals-carriers of these elements are considered. This makes it possible to substantiate the scientific prerequisites for the search for places of their concentration, the formation of deposits and the behavior in technological processes during the processing of mineral raw materials. As a result, by 1935, the rare lands of domestic deposits began to be used in the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in the smelting of cast iron, steel, special alloys, in the ceramic and glass industries. Keywords: IPM-VIMS, rare elements, mineral resource base, germanium, lithium. Р.14-24 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2022_09_25 УДК 556.3.314:546.02:553.7:550.4:543.3:504.064.2 Tokarev I.V. (Centre for X-ray Diffraction Studies, Research park, St.-Petersburg State Universi-ty)// Isakov V.А. (Branch of Hydrospetzgeologiya, Hydrogeological expedition of the 29th dis-trict)// Isakova Т.N. (Branch of Hydrospetzgeologiya, Hydrogeological expedition of the 29th dis-trict)// Yakovlev E.Yu. (N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)// RESULTS OF ISOTOPE METHODS IN Q-39 SHEET MAPPING (NARYAN-MAR) Global warming leads to the permafrost degradation and the formation of “revived” groundwater, which has depleted isotopic composition, compared to modern precipitation. During the survey within the Q-39 (Naryan-Mar) sheet, such waters were found. Contribution of «revived» waters corresponds to the simultaneous detection in groundwater of tritium, which marks modern waters, and a component of groundwater with a significant radiocarbon age. Summer river runoff for the content of deuterium and oxygen-18 reveals a significant contribution of summer isotopically heavy precipitation to the balance of surface and groundwater. Keywords: groundwater resources, deuterium, oxugen-18. Р. 25-30 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2022_09_31 УДК 622.24.05 Lachinyan L.A. (Drilling Equipment Plant)// Medvedev A.K. (Drilling Equipment Plant)// PROSPECTS FOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF THE DRILLING PROCESS WITH SELF-REGULATING TOOLS The article notes that the rock-breaking tool used in drilling wells with a unified armament limits the effective control of the destruction process of rocks often interspersed in physical and mechanical properties. The prospects of increasing the efficiency of manual or automatic control of this process by means of a rock-crushing tool, the armament of which automatically changes at the bottom of the well as a result of a change in the magnitude of the axial load caused by its entry into the rock of the corresponding category of drillability, are considered. Keywords: criteria for controlling the drilling process, mechanical and travel speed, rotational speed, axial load, self-regulating armament of the rock-breaking tool, physical and mechanical properties and the category of rock drillability. Р. 31-35 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2022_09_35 УДК 622.831;622. Borovkov Y.A. (MGRI-RGGRU)// Vercheba A.A. (MGRI-RGGRU)//аа Gurina K.M. (MGRI-RGGRU)// PECULIARITIES OF STRESS DISTRIBUTION OF STEEL POLYMER BOLT OF ANCHOR SUPPORT OF UNDERGROUND MINE WORKINGS AT LEAD-ZINC ORE DEPOSITS The article considers the issues of stress distribution along the anchor bolt at its location at the depth of the rock mass in a vertical well with a fixing solution (concrete and epoxy resin). Tangent stresses at the boundary of the fixing solution, rock and anchor taking into account the depth of its installation of horizontal and vertical orientation using the theory of strength of the Coulomb-Mor rock mass vary from the strength properties of the anchor and rock mass according to exponential law. Keywords: mine workings, anchoring, lead –zinc ore. Р. 35-39 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2022_09_40 УДК 553. Kornilov A.V. (Kazan National Research Technological University) // Minnullin R.M. (Tatagrohim)//minnullin Sadykov R.K. (Tatarstan branch of the FBU and TFGI in the Volga Federal District) // Semenov F.V. (TsNIIgeolnerud)// RESOURCES OF COMMON MINERALS TO ENSURE FOOD SECURITY IN THE REGIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION To address food security issues at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation, it is proposed to use more widely in agricultural production the common minerals available in most regions: carbonate rocks (for chemical soil reclamation), peat and sapropels (as fertilizers, in animal husbandry). However, existing problems: insufficient harmonization of state and regional regulation in the field of subsoil use in relation to carbonate rocks for soil reclamation; imperfect organization of the system of accounting for subsurface objects (peat, sapropels) – separate accounting of the same type of mineral in the areas of use; the absence of tax rates for the extraction of common minerals for agricultural production, do not contribute to increasing the attractiveness of this market segment for subsoil users. Keywords: common minerals, agricultural production, soil reclamation, fertilizer, accounting system, mineral extraction tax, food security, subject of the Russian Federation. Р. 40-50 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2022_09_50 УДК 553.411:622.11 Salmanov S.M. (Polymetal)// Osetsky A.I. (Polymetal)// TOPICAL ISSUES OF MINERAL RESOURCE BASE REPLENISHMENT IN MINING COMPANIES (USING THE EXAMPLE OF JSC «POLYMETAL») A description of mineral resource base condition of JSC Polymetal Management Company is given, data on the volume of the exploration works that were conducted between 2017 and 2021 is shown with the dynamics of their financing. The mineral resource base growth dynamics is also represented in this work. Current issues restricting the development of the Company’s mineral resource base are described with the measures taken by the Company to tackle them. Proposals to improve the efficiency of mineral resource base replenishment are formulated. Keywords: mineral resources, subsoil usage, reproduction, exploration. Р. 50-55 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2022_09_55 УДК 631.61 Dobrolyubova N.V. (Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Cher-nyshevsky)// Reshetnikov M.V. (Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Cher-nyshevsky)// Shkodin S.D. (Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Cher-nyshevsky)// RESULTS OF TECHNICAL RECLAMATION OF SLUDGE ACCUMULATORS IN ZHIRNOVSKY OIL FIELD (VOLGOGRAD REGION) The recultivated area where the sludge reservoirs of the Zhirnovskoye oil field were previously located has been studied. Acid-base index, the content of organic matter (humus), the concentration of oil products in the soils sampled in the previously recultivated area were determined. It was found that the content of petroleum products exceeds the normative values everywhere. Measures to improve the ecological state of the previously recultivated area were proposed. Keywords: recultivation, soil, ground, oil products, Zhirnovskoye oil field. P.55-59 |