CONTENTS № 3/2022 |
УДК 551.24 (470+571): 551.7.03 Zhdaneev O.V. (RAS (TIPS RAS), Gas ≪Gubkin University≫, Institution ≪Russian Energy Agency≫ of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation // Petrov E.I. (Federal Agency for Mineral Resources) // rosnedra@rosnе Seregina A.A. — Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation, Institution ≪Russian Energy Agency≫ of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation) // RARE AND RARE EARTH METALS IN THE CONDITIONS OF ENERGY TRANSITION In the context of a global transformation of energy systems aimed at solving the climate problem through a transition to carbon-free energy, a large number of renewable energy sources are being developed. For this purpose, studies are being carried out on various «energy transition materials»,which include rare and rare earth metals. Superconductivity, magnetic, ferromagnetic properties of these metals make them unique materials for the energy sector of Russia and the world as a whole. Global trends require an attention to these types of raw materials, the development of measures to optimize production imports, as well as the sale of rare and rare earth metals in the Russian Federation. Keywords: rare metals, rare earth metals, Energy transition, fuel and energy complex. Р. 3-10 |
УДК [553.078:553. 495] (571.6) Kokovkin A.A. (ITiG DVO RAS) // PLEISTOCENE URANIUM-POLYELEMENT ORE GENESIS IN THE RUSSIAN FAR EAST SOUTH AS A POTENTIAL RESOURCE OF HYDROGENIC URANIUM A regional model of the Pleistocene hydrothermal uraniumpolyelement ore genesis in the continental margin structure of the Russian Far East South (RFES) and deep in the continent is presented. Its relationship with specificity of tensely evolving RFES structure is investigated. It is shown that mineralization capable of a significant buildup of the hydrogenic uranium resource has been formed due to this ore genesis in the sediments and in the basement of the Late Cretaceous modern depressions in the region. The evidences are adduced on the link of the ore genesis to the terminating phase of the Pliocene–Pleistocene mantle activation and the development of argillizated metasomatism. The examples of representative objects show control of metasomatism and ore genesis by activated deep faults throughout the Pleistocene, and illustrate the pattern of post-ore transformations. Keywords: ore genesis, activation, argillization, tectonics, erosion. Р. 10-23 |
УДК 553.048:553.491 (576.61) Melnikov A.V. (Institute of Geology and Nature Management FEB RAS) // Melnikov METALLOGENICAL ZONING OF THE AMUR REGIONON PLATINOIDS The study of patterns of placement of platinum-bearing objects (ore and placer) in the territory of the Amur regionallowed to highlight the Upperamursky platinum-bearing province — a very large ore-bearing area coinciding with the geosynclinical area, system or comparable scale of a large structure of platforms, characterized by mineralization of a certain type and emerging during one or more tectonic-magmatic cycles — metallogenical epages. Within the Upper Amur Province we have identified metallogenic zones — a collection of genetically related platinum ore and sprout objects, timed to certain rock formations (Dumbuki-Tyndinsky, Jagdy-Selemjinsky and Severo-Bureinsky). Ore-spread platinumbearing potential nodes are also identified on the territory of metallogenic zones. Keywords: province, platinonosnost, metallogenichesky zones, ore placer hubs, scatterings, rossypeproyavleniye. Р. 23-31 |
УДК 546.9: 553.3/4 Nenakhov V.M., // Zhabin A.V., // Zolotareva G.S. (VSU) // PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE NOBLEMETAL POTENTIAL OF THE BLACK-SHALE COMPLEX Black shale is a free-use term for various rocks of both sedimentary and sedimentary-metamorphic genesis with one common feature — increased content of organic matter. These formations can occur both in humid and arid environments. They occur in deposits of any facies — continental and marine. The largest deposits of phosphorus, uranium, gold, platinoids and rare metals are associated with them. Keywords: black shales, nanoscale noble metals, nature-like technologies. Р. 32-37 |
УДК 550.814 550.8.052 528.77 528.871 528.88 Abushkevich S.A. // Arestova T.A. (Laboratory for Remote Forecasting of Mineral Deposits) // Volin K.A. (St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences) // SEARCHING AND STRUCTURE OF LAMINATED INTRUSIVE BODIES BY THE EXAMPLE OF THE NORIL’SKY ORE DISTRICT ON THE DATA OF REMOTE SENSING OF THE EARTH Using the Maslovskoye and Norilsk-1 deposits of the Norilsk ore region, the application of multispectral satellite images of Landsat ETM + and ASTER heat channel for the search for Pt-Cu-Ni ores confined to ultrabasite-basic intrusions is shown. In the course of interpretation of satellite images, thrust structures with a southeastern dip of the displacer and nappes, dislocating Triassic volcanics, as well as thermal (heat-inertial) anomalies marking ore-bearing rocks were revealed. The connection of Pt-Cu-Ni ore bodies with thrust zones has been established. Keywords: satellite images, thermal inertial anomalies, structural interpretation, thrusts, nappes, fault zones, ultramafic-basic intrusions, platinum-copper-nickel deposits. Р. 37-45 |
[624.131.542+556.3] (575.14)
Akhunzhanov A.M. Abdurakhmanov B.M. // Tursunmetov R.A. // Kurbanov E.Sh. (GU ≪Institute of HYDROINGEO≫) // SOME ISSUES OF THE MECHANISM FOR THEDEVELOPMENT OF LANDSLIDE COLLAPSES (on the example of individual ore facilities in Uzbekistan) The article discusses the relevance of the problem, some issuesof the mechanism of the development of landslide-failure caving (on the example of individual ore objects of the deposits of Uzbekistan). The research method included the study of not only the location of sinkholes, but also the sections located near sinkholes, since an important role in their formation is played by the flow of groundwater with active springs. In this regard, geophysical studies were carried out using the VES method, along the profile of the Guzhumsay field, which passes next to the sinkholes. As a result of the research, conclusions are drawn about the mechanism of development and the factors of the formation of failures and their influence on the development of deposits. Keywords: sinkholes, underground mine workings, subsidence, adhesion force, angle of internal friction, strength, deformation, depth, diameter, vibrations, thixotropy, groundwater, clay deposits, granosyenite, filtration, removal. Р. 46-51 |
УДК 556.3 Balobanenko A.A. // Vasilev D.I. // Manukhina A.S.(Branch ≪Siberian Regional Center of HMSN≫ FGBU ≪Gidrospetsgeologiya≫, Tomsk) // EXPERIENCE OF USING GMSN DATA FOR ANALYSIS OF HYDRODYNAMIC REGIME OF GROUNDWATER USING EXAMPLE OF IRTYSH-OB ARTESIAN BASIN The paper considers the features of the groundwater level regime of Quaternary, Paleogene and Cretaceous deposits of the territory of the Irtysh-Ob artesian basin in the long-term plan and for 2019. Keywords: groundwater level, amplitude, rate, hydrodynamic regime, groundwater, artesian basin. Р. 51-57 |
УДК 622.243 Petenev P.G. // Neskoromnykh V.V. // Popova M.S. (Institute of mining, geology and geotechnologies of the Siberian federal university) // EXPERIENCE AND RESULTS OF IMPLEMENTING A DYNAMICALLY STABILIZING TOOL FOR DRILLING EXPLORATION WELLS USING WIRELINE CORE BARRELS LEAFLET The paper presents technical means and methods of their application to improve the efficiency of drilling exploration wells in difficult mining and geological conditions associated with the natural curvature of wells, which is an urgent problem. The aim of the work is to develop designs of drilling layouts that have dynamic stabilization during drilling and methods of their application. The result of the work is the developed theoretical provisions, methods of application and design of drilling layouts for dynamic stabilization of the drilling layout during drilling. The results of testing and implementation of various designs of drilling layouts during core diamond drilling are presented. Keywords: drilling, geological exploration, well curvature, stabilizing layouts, wire-line tools. Р. 57-64 |
УДК 553.493 : 622 Dimukhamedov R.R. // Khromova E.A. (Association of producers and consumers of rare metals and rare earth elements, Moscow) // PROBLEMATIC ISSUES OF MINING AND PRODUCTION OF RARE AND RARE EARTH METALS The article presents a view on the main stop-factors for the development of the Russian rare and rare earth metals industry. The main things that we should pay attention to in industrial policy-making are fundamentals that included the raw material base, the level of consumption of rare and rare-earth metals, infrastructure, private investment and government support. The formation of the rare and rare earth metals industry in the Russian Federation, subject to a change in approaches to solving problems, the sustainable use of existing opportunities and the use of foreign experience will make the Russian economy more stable, modern and flexible. Keywords: rare and rare earth metals, industry, mining, production, consumption, minerals, state, politics, economy, investment, market, problems, risks, develop. Р. 64-67 |
УДК 553.5/6.985.003.12:23(470.41) Kornilov A.V. (Kazan National Research Technological University) // Sadykov R.K. (Tatarstan branch of the FBU and TFGI in the Volga Federal District) // Semenov F.V. (TsNIIgeolnerud) // LOCAL RAW MATERIALS SIGNIFICANCE FOR SOLVING THE PROBLEMS OF TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION — DIRECTIONS OF ACTION Local raw materials of importance for the repair and construction of roads and other needs are actually ground construction materials, which are included in the specific group of common minerals and are widely used in construction. For the purpose of spatial development of the territories of the Russian Federation at various levels, their use should be more effective, for which it is necessary: update the current joint orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and executive authorities for all subjects of the Russian Federation on the formation of a list of common minerals; to improve the organization of the system of accounting for subsurface objects related to ground construction materials; to improve the terminology and concepts in domestic subsurface use in relation to common minerals; to make a list of common minerals in the law of the Russian Federation «On Subsurface resources». Keywords: common minerals, list, ground construction materials, development of territories, subject of the Russian Federation, the law of the Russian Federation «On Subsurface resources», updating. Р. 67-74 |