



УДК 553.461 Rudnev A.V. (VIMS) // rud-met@vims-geo.ru Pikalovа V.S. (VIMS) // vsp_87@mail.ru Nikolskaya N.E. (VIMS) // vims_cr@mail.ru Cheprasov I.V. (VIMS) // rmo-vims@mail.ru THE GEOLOGICAL FEATURES AND PROSPECTS OF POOR ORE CHROME OCCURENCES AS EXAMPLIFIED IN KHABARNINSKY MASSIF OBJECTS (SOUTH URALS) The composition of chrome ores and ore-forming chrome spinels from rocks of DVK complex is characterized by higher iron content than other lithotectonic assemblages. Chromite concentrates which contain more than 40 % Cr2O3 and meet recovery and extraction requirements were obtained as the result of technological research of poor ores. This research also confirmed the expediency of significant reduction of Cr2O3 cut-off grade for the evaluation of chrome ore resources of the massif, which in turn increased their resource potential.For the first time the experimental melting of processed products was conducted and demonstrated the possibility of their use as metallurgical feedstock. Economic-geological evaluation confirmed the efficiency of inclusion of super-poor ores in processing and emphasized public interest in their study. Key words: Habarninsky massif, chrome ores, fromseriesid, enrichment of ores, ultrabazita, DVK complex, poor ores, economic efficiency, onboard contents. Р. 3-11
УДК.553.495´411:553.54´576(480) Grebenkin N.A. (VIMS) // grebenkin2@mail.ru Ledeneva N.V. (VIMS) // naled@rambler.ru Philippov N.B. (Mineral) // nikolay.philippov@scmin.spb.ru Zhitnikov V.A. (PCGE) // zva_1953@mail.ru Litvinenko V.I. (Mineral) // litvinenko@scmin.spb.ru PECULIARITIES OF THE URANIUM-GOLD OCCURRENCES AT ROMPAS GROUP AND PALOKAS SITE (NORTHERN FINLAND) Uranium-gold occurrences of Rompas group and Palokas site located at the Paleoproterozoic Perapohja belt shale just on the border with big granitoid massive. As a result of the visit by Russian geologists of these sites was selected the collection of stone material, which has been studied later by the optical and laboratory analytical methods. It has been defined that both uranium and gold with tellurium mineralization developed in metasomatic rocks of amphibole-quartz composition and accompanying skarnoids, obviously related with granitoid magmatism. The defined features of the ore sites should be taken into account during the exploration geological works in similar geological conditions. Key words: Northern Finland, uranium, gold, amphibole-quartz metasomatic rocks. Р. 11-17
УДК 553.411:553.04 Litvinenko I.S. (SVKNII FEB RAS) // litvinenko@neisri.ru Golubenko I.S. (SVKNII FEB RAS) // golubenko@neisri.ru RESOURCE POTENTIAL OF GOLD IN THE DUMP COMPLEX OF THE FULFILLED LOOSE FIELDS OF THE MAGADAN REGION Data available on earlier mined placer deposits were systematized and analyzed using the GIS-technologies and, on this basis, an assessment was made of possible gold reserves of post-mining placer dumps. According to this assessment, the general metal content of post-mining dumps is more than 400 tons. Inferred gold reserves of technogenic dump placers can be about 180 tons, with estimated gold grade more than 0.13 g/m3, or about 120 tons with estimated gold grade more than 0.3 g/m3. Key words: North-East Russia, gold, placer deposit, dump placer, reserves Р. 17-24
УДК 553.061.12553.495+553.411.072(282.256.3) Dankovtsev R.F. (VIMS) // vims@df.ru Shachorin B.N. (VIMS) // shashorin.boris.@yandex.ru Vydrich D.E. (VIMS) // devrich@mail.ru DENSITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEPTHS OF THE NORTH-YENISEI URANIUM-GOLD-BEARING AREA AND DEPTH FACTORS MINERAGENIC CONTROL Studied density infrastructure of the upper crust of the North-Yenisei uranium-gold-bearing area; formulated depth the factors controlling mineralization, providing purposeful metallogenic zoning. Key words: local pockets of decompression, channels thermofluids transit, structure-energy ore-controlling thresholds (the area of narrowing channels transit). Р. 24-31
УДК 553.682.2.041:549.623.7(470.56) Shcherbakova Т. (TSNIIgeolnerud) // root@geolnerud.net Shevelev А.I. (TSNIIgeolnerud) // root@geolnerud.net MAGNESITE-HYDROMAGNESITE ORES ON THE KHALILOVO MASSIF Three types of magnesite-hydromagnesite ores are revealed on the Khalilovo area of Orenburg region. They are related to serpentinite weathering erosion. The results of analytical studies and forecast resources are included. Ore has practical interest and area need conducting prospecting. Key words: serpentinite, magnesite, hydromagnesite, weathering erosion, forecast, prospect, Orenburg region. Р. 31-36


УДК 55.550.370 Bagryanskiy A.A. (Geotech Ltd) // Andrei@geotech.ca Prikhodko A.Yu. (Geotech Ltd, Geoteсhaero) // Alexander@geotech.ca Bournas N. (Geotech Ltd) // Nasreddine.Bournas@geotech.ca Legault J. (Geotech Ltd) // jean@geotech.ca AIRBORNE ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY ZTEM FOR DEEP EXPLORATION The paper presents an airborne electromagnetic technology of magnetovariational sounding ZTEM. The technology is based on measurements of the vertical component of natural magnetic field variations in the audio frequency range, and simultaneous measurements of variations of the horizontal components of the field on the ground. The technology combines abilities of high detail and deep investigations. The numerical practical examples demonstrate effectiveness of the technology in exploration of different types of minerals. Key words: audiomagnetotellurics sounding, ZTEM, airborne geophysics, mineral exploration. Р. 36-41


УДК 556.3 (1/9) Chelidze Yu.B. (VSEGINGEO) // jurborЗ7@mail.ru Baron V.A. (VSEGINGEO) // Zgerka@rambler.ru Pugach S.L. (Hydrospecgeologia) // pugach@geomonitoring.ru Kokoreva S.V. (Hydrospecgeologia) // kokoreva@geomonitoring.ru GENERAL HYDROGEOLOGICAL ZONING AS A BASIS FOR SYSTEM MAPPING, STUDYING, USE AND ASSESSMENT OF THE GROUNDWATER STATE IN RUSSIA The technique, technology and results of the general hydrogeological zoning of the Russian Federation, which has been implemented with the use of modern knowledge about the geological structure, tectonics and hydrogeological conditions in this country, are described. An applied importance of the zoning lies in development of unified principles and technology for determination and substantiation of different-order hydrogeological structures. It serves as a basis for: solving practical tasks, organization and conduction of mineral resources state monitoring; systematization and generalization of geologic-prospecting works; calculation of groundwater resource potential; effective planning of further hydrogeological investigations. Key words: general hydrogeological zoning, complicated artesian basins of plates, hydrogeological folded areas, hydrogeological massifs, schields. Р. 41-49


УДК 550.8. Korotkov V.V. (VIMS) // vims-uran2013@mail.ru Starodubov A.V. (VIMS) // starodubov@vims-geo.ru Ovsyannikova T.M. (VIMS) // lab@u238.ru Semenova M.P. (Geologorazvedka) Tsirel V.S. (Geologorazvedka) // info@geolraz.com STATUS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF DOMESTIC APPLIANCES AND TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORT REPRODUCTION OF THE MINERAL RESOURCE BASE OF URANIUM AND ASSOCIATED MINERALS The article provides the results of the study of the innovative foreign and national technologies and equipment for the geological prospecting and future reproduction of the uranium resource base and related minerals (aerial and ground geophysical methods, field and laboratory radiogeochemical technology, etc.). The perspective technologies have to be adapted and tested in the ore and favorable regions of Russia. The new and improved prognostic-searching systems should be developed as well as the recommendations for their future using to plan, arrange and perform the geological prospecting. Key words: geological prospecting, uranium, geochemical technologies, laboratory analysis, airborne geophysical methods, ground geophysical technologies. Р. 50-57
УДК 622.7.017:622.349.35´36 Likhnikevich E.G. (VIMS) // Likhnikeevich@mail.ru DEACTIVATION OF PYROCHLORE CONCENTRATES Develop options for hydrometallurgical technologies decontamination pyrochlore concentrates produced from rare-metal-rare earth raw materials and containing radioactive elements. Key words: pyrochlore concentrate, acid-leach process, sulfuric acid and nitric acid decomposition, radioactivity. Р. 57-58
УДК 622.234 Tretyak A.Ya. (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnical University) // 13050465@mail.ru Litkevich Yu.F. (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnical University) // 13050465@mail.ru Grossu A.N. (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnical University) // 13050465@mail.ru STUDIES TORQUE AND SPEED OF DRILLING OF INTERLAYERS ROCKS AND ORE BIT WITH HYDRAULIC MONITOR DRIVE The article discusses the possibility of applying the hydromining plant – drilling bit of cutting type with hydraulic monitor drive for the drilling of interlayers, separating the thick layers of loose iron ore on Gostischevskoye field of КМА. The results of a theoretical and experimental study of efforts of cutting, axial loadings, torque on a bit and speed of drilling of interlayers from rocks of average strength. Key words: drilling bit with hydraulic monitor drive; Gostischevskoye field of КМА; calculations of forces of cutting and torque; drilling of interlayers rocks. Р. 58-62


УДК 553.04; 338.054.23 Denisov M.N. (VIEMS) // admin@viems.ru COST OF THE LOST MINERAL RESERVES DUE TO THE DAMAGE CAUSED TO THE MINERAL SUBSOIL The article suggests the adjustments in the procedure for the determination of compensation for non-collectable losses of mineral reserves, caused by a resources user. The article determines the indices of cost estimation for non-collectable reserves depending on the type of product, duration of resource recovery and causes of reserves losses. Key words: mineral reserves, production, stocks, non-collectable reserves, cost of recovery, resource user. Р. 62-63


УДК 556.025 Abramov A.A. (Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation) // aabramov@rosatom.ru Raikov S.V. (Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation) Glinsky M.L. (Hydrospetzgeologiya) // info@specqeo.ru Drozhko E.G. (Hydrospetzgeologiya) // drozhko@msnr.ru Chertkov L.G. (Hydrospetzgeologiya) // partiya_3@mail.ru INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM OF ECOLOGICAL MONITORING AND ITS PART IN RATIONALE THE WITHDRAWAL FROM EXPLOITATION THE FACILITIES OF NUCLEAR LEGACY OF USSR The article reviews the necessarily of foundation and usage the complex industrial system of ecological monitoring by Rosatom nuclear corporation to provide nuclear and radioactive safety of nuclear facilities located on Rosatom’s enterprises. Including the withdrawal from exploitation the facilities of nuclear legacy. Key words: nuclear radiation hazardous facilities, radioactive waste, monitoring of the subsurface conditions, analytic system of radioecological monitoring, environment, nuclear legacy. Р.

Категория: 2015

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