УДК 551.24.01/05 Morozov A.F. (Rosnedra) // Mezhelovskiy N.V. (Geokart) // TECTONIC CODE OF RUSSIA: CONTENT, PURPOSE, USE Base principals of building of the Tectonic code of Russia, evolution of tectonic hypothesis and conceptions, basic notions and terms, purpose and use of Code are describing in this article; full content of Code presents in the table. Key words: tectonics (geotectonics), geodynamics, tectonic hypothesis and conceptions, tectonic (geodynamic) processes and settings. Р. 3-12 |
УДК 001.4:551.24 Mezhelovskiy N.V. (Geokart) Gusev G.S. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Morozov A.F. (Rosnedra) // Kilipko V.A. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Koronovskiy N.V. (MGU) // Korsakov A.K. (MGRI-RGGRU) // Korchuganova N.I. (MGRI-RGGRU) // Mezhelovskiy I.N. (Geokart) // Nenahov V.M. (VGU) // Shokalskiy S.P. (VSEGEI) // NOTIONS, TERMS AND THEIR COMBINATIONS WHICH ARE RECOMMEND DURING TECTONIC (GEODYNAMIC) INVESTIGATIONS Notions and terms which are accumulated in all previous geological works, especially in last 50 years, underlies in the science-technological base of the “Tectonic code of Russia”. In this time new geotectonic conceptions, such as plate tectonics, plumе tectonics, deep-geodynamics, were coming to the natural science. At present time science base of tectonics consists of (approximately in equal volumes) preplatetectonic (geosynclinal and other hypothesis) and mobilistic (plate-plumetectonic, geodynamic) notions and terms; its reflects modern geological and geotectonic data about structure and growth of the Earth which are received by learning of oceans basins mainly. Key words: tectonics, geodynamic, notions, terms; megastages, stages and phases of tectogenesis; disciplines, methods and objects of tectonics; tectonic movements and structures; structure-dynamic floors, tectonic (geodynamic) divisions. Р. 12-22 |
УДК 551.248(571.56) Gusev G.S. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Imaeva L.P. (IEC SB RAS) // MODERN TECTONIC (GEODYNAMIC) ACTIVITY OF THE TERRITORY OF RUSSIA Modern tectonic (geodynamic) activity on the territory of Russia, concerned with latest (late Pliocene-Holocene – 2.6-0 million years) processes in the Earth’s crust, resulting in a seismically active areas and linear neotectonic taxons (domains), is considered. Applied value of the research consists in the development of principles of creation of modern tectonic (seismogeodynamic) zoning map – one of the obligatory bases of general seismic zoning. Key words: modern tectonic activity, areal and linear tectonic (geodynamic) taxons, seismotectonics, map of modern seismotectonic (seismogeodynamic) zoning. Р. 23-29 |
УДК 551.248(571.56) Gusev G.S. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Imaeva L.P. (IEC SB RAS) // STRESSED SLATE OF ROCKS MASSIFS AND STRUCTURAL-DYNAMIC FLOORS IN THE EARTH’S CRUST CUTS Physical conditions and parameters of stressed slate in dry and water-filled (fluid-filled) rocks massifs under geostatic and horizontal tectonic thrust are considered. Structural-dynamic floors in the Earth’s crust cuts of covered-folded areas are based. It is recommended to allocate them on the basis of: reconstructions of paleostressed fields on the detached areas, which are folded by rocks of different stratigraphic age; identification on this areas vertical zoning of kinematic types of folded and discontinuous structures; isolation of tectonofacieses – classes of intension of the rocks tectonic deformations. Key words: stressed state, dry and water-filled (fluid-filled) rocks massifs; structural-dynamic, kinematic and tectonofacial floors. Р. 29-35 |
УДК 551.24 Gusev G.S. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Mezhelovskiy N.V. (Geokart) // TECTONIC (GEODYNAMIC) PROCESSES AND SETTINGS Tectonic (geodynamic) processes and settings, which are formed phanerozoic, meso-neoproterozoic and earlyprecambrian structurally-material complexes, are considered. The processes are combined into groups (classes): stretching (spreading), compression (approaching), sliding (shifting). The settings are subdividing into types towards lithosphere plates boundaries: divergent, convergent, transform, intraplate. Earlyprecambrian and astrobleme (impact) settings are allocated in separate types. Key words: tectonic (geodynamic) processes (spreading, compression, shifting) and settings (divergent, convergent, transform), accretion, collision, riftogenesis. Р. 35-42 |
УДК 551.24 Mezhelovskiy N.V. (Geokart) // Gusev G.S. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Sirotkina O.N. (IMGRE) // MATERIAL DIVISIONS OF TECTONIC (GEODYNAMIC) SETTINGS Materials divisions, which are forming in different tectonic (geodynamic) circumstances, such as: rock associations – sedimentary, volcanogenic and plutonogenic geological formations; material transformations – hypergene, metasomatic (hydrothermal-metasomatic), metamorphogenic, ultrametamorphogenic formations; mineral resources – ore formations are considering. Key words: tectonic (geodynamic) settings, geological, supergene, metasomatic, metamorphic, ultrametamorphic formations, ore-forming processes and ore formations. Р. 42-50 |
УДК 551.24 Gusev G.S. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Mezhelovskiy N.V. (Geokart) // DISCRIMINATION METHODS OF TECTONIC (GEODYNAMIC) SETTINGS Discrimination methods of tectonic (geodynamic) settings of geological bodies forming by main (required) indicators, such as structural, lithodynamic, supergene, petrographic, metamorphic, metasomatic, oreformation, mineral, petrogeochemical and isotopo-geochemical are considered. Key words: tectonic (geodynamic) settings, main (required) indicators of tectonic (geodynamic) zoning, geological bodies, formations and structurally-material complexes. Р. 50-59 |
УДК 552.181:528.91 + 553.6:551.24 Mezhelovskiy N.V. (Geokart) // Gusev G.S. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Kilipko V.A. (IMGRE, Geokart)) // Korsakov A.K. (MGRI-RGGRU) // Mezhelovskiy I.N. (Geokart) // Nenahov V.M. (VGU) // TECTONIC (GEODYNAMIC) AND TECTONO-MINERAGENIC MAPPING OF TERRITORIES Tectonic (geodynamic) and tectono-mineragenic mapping are considering as an all-important (base) forms of regional geological surveys which are executed in the consisting of geologo-surveying works and/or independently. The aim of mapping is accumulation of the complex factographic information about: stresses, deformations and dislocations (structures) of geological bodies; settings of forming and reforming geological and ore formations; hypogene and crust processes. Key words: tectonic (geodynamic) and tectono-mineragenic cartography, geological bodies, tectonic (geodynamic) map, tectono-mineragenic map, tectono-mineragenic model. Р. 59-66 |
УДК 550.4:552.31 Gushchin A.V. (IMGRE, Geokart) // PETROGEOCHEMICAL TYPIZATION OF VOLCANIC ROCKS FOR TECTONIC (GEODYNAMIC) SETTINGS IDENTIFICATION Tectonic (geodynamic) settings distinguished by six parameters of chemical compositions of volcanic rocks: silica, potassium and magnesium contents, alkalinity, presence of agpaitic, metaluminous or peraluminous series. Complexity, uniformity and detail of volcanic rocks characteristics are achieved by using the conception of the petrogeochemical types and series. Formalization of notions for computer data processing is based on numerical nomenclature of petrogeochemical types. Key words: volcanics, petrogeochemical types, peralkaline, metaluminous, peraluminous series, numerical nomenclature. Р. 66-72 |
УДК 550.4:552.31 Gushchin A.V. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Gusev G.S. (IMGRE, Geokart) // PREVALENCE OF THE PETROGEOCHEMICAL TYPES AND SERIES OF VOLCANIC ROCKS PREVALENCE AS A CRITERIA FOR RECOGNITION OF TECTONIC (GEODYNAMIC) SETTINGS Prevalence estimates of volcanic rock petrogeochemical types are realized by six parameters: silica, potassium, magnesium, alkalinity, metaluminous, peralkaline or peraluminous series affiliations. These estimates allow us to identify such types of tectonic (geodynamic) settings as non-subduction or subduction ones, continental or oceanic, intraplate or active continental margins, island arcs, back-arc and collision. The signs of the similarities and differences of settings, patterns of evolution and cyclical development of geodynamic structures in connections to their geochemical and mineragenic specialization are elucidated. Key words: volcanics, prevalence, silica, potassium, magnesium, alkalinity, metaluminous, peralkaline, peraluminous, tectonic (geodynamic) settings. Р. 72-76 |
УДК 550.4:552.31 Guzhchin A.V. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Gusev G.S. (IMGRE, Geokart) // Mezhelovskaya S.V. (Geokart) // PETROGEOCHEMICAL CRITERIA FOR RECOGNIZING OF TECTONIC (GEODYNAMIC) SETTINGS ON THE COMPOSITION OF VOLCANIC ROCKS Differences of volcanic rocks geochemistry in two groups of tectonic (geodynamic) settings have revealed: non-subduction and subduction-related ones. Subduction-related basic, middle and acidic volcanics differ from non-subduction ones by lower contents of Nb, Ta, La, Ce, Nd, Zr, Hf, Sm, Eu and Ti. Volcanic rocks of mature island arcs, continental margins and collision areas, in contrast to their subduction-related oceanic analogues are enriched in incompatible elements. The concentrations of incompatible trace elements in the volcanics directly correlate with the potassium content in all tectonic (geodynamic) settings. This dependence determines the geodynamic, geochemical and mineragenetic specialization of magmatic rocks. Key words: volcanics, tectonic (geodynamic) settings, incompatible, geochemical spectra, specialization, minerageny. Р. 76-81 |