CONTENTS # 2/2024 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2 07 УДК 553:04:334.7:622.34:622.7(470) Grishaev S.I., Demidov V.L. (Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia) FULL CYCLE PRODUCTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHAINS AND PRODUCTION-CONSUMPTION BALANCES OF STRATEGIC MINERAL RAW MATERIALS AS THE BASIS FOR FORMING A CONSOLIDATED ORDER In the context of the import substitution policy, an urgent task is to increase the demand for domestic strategic mineral raw materials. A mechanism for this may be the organization of a consolidated order. Measures in this direction can be implemented on the basis of the formation of full-cycle production and technological chains and production-consumption balances. Keywords: strategic mineral raw materials, import substitution, consolidated order, full cycle production and technological chains, demand matrix, material systems analyses, production-consumption balance. Р. 7-14 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_15 УДК 553.068.56 Lalomov A.V. (IGEM) PLACER DEPOSITS AS THE SOURCE OF STRATEGIC MINERAL RAW MATERIALS Placers have a significant place in the mineral resource base of strategic types of minerals both in Russia and the world as a whole. In the current political and economic conditions, when there is an urgent need in a short time and with a shortage of financial resources to organize the processes of import substitution and self-sufficiency of the country with strategic types of mineral raw materials, it is placers that make it possible to the problem of providing Russia with tin, titanium, rare (including rare earth) metals in a short time and with minimal costs. Keywords: strategic metals, placer deposits, gold, tin, titanium, rare metals, diamonds. Р. 15-24 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_25 УДК 551.4.044:528.88:551.2:553.49 Petrov V.A., Ustinov S.A., Minaev V.A., Nafigin I.O., Grishkov G.A., Yarovaya E.V. (IGEM RAS) GEOINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN FORECASTING AND MINERAGENIC RESEARCHES The work, based on the use of geoinformation technologies, proposes new approaches to the allocation and justification of prospecting areas, taking into account the concept of mineral-forming systems, as well as the use of the latest tools and methods. The results of multifactor GIS modeling in combination with a mineral systems approach to the analysis of the main factors of ore genesis are presented. As a result of a comprehensive analysis oregenetic, a structural weighted forecasting and search model of the south-eastern Transbaikalia was created, reflecting promising areas for conducting forecasting and mineragenic studies on a scale of 1:200000 — 1:50000. The proposed approach makes it possible to optimize decisions aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation. Keywords: GIS, neural network technologies, deposit forecast, forecasting and prospecting model, mineral resource base, uranium, mineral-forming system, tectonics. Р. 25-35 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_36 УДК 553.063:553.493 (470.21) Morozova L.N.1,2, Zozulya D.R.2, Skublov S.G.3 (1 —VIMS, Moscow, 2 — GI KSC RAS, Apatity, 3 — IGGD RAS, St. Peterburg) KOLA RARE METAL PEGMATITE BELT — THE MOST IMPORTANT SOURCE OF STRATEGIC MINERAL RAW MATERIALS (Li, Be, Nb, Ta, Cs) IN RUSSIA The article provides data on the geological structure, composition of ores and mineralogy of rare metal pegmatite deposits of the Kola Peninsula, northwestern Russia. The main sources of lithium are rock-forming spodumene and minor lepidolite (Kolmozero, Polmostundra, Okhmylk, Vasin-Mylk deposits). In these same deposits, columbite group minerals concentrate niobium and tantalum. Microlite (Ta mineral) is one of the main ore components of the Ploskogorskoe deposit. Sorting beryl is an economically important raw material of the Shongui deposit. The Kolmozero and Polmostundra objects are world-class deposits in terms of their reserves and lithium content. Keywords: spodumene, columbite-tantalite, beryl, pollucite, Kolmozero lithium deposit, Polmostundra lithium deposit, Kola rare metal pegmatite belt. Р. 36-40 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_40 УДК 553.041:553.771 (470) Mikheeva E.D., Kuzmenko P.S. (VIMS) THE RELEVANCE OF THE STUDY AND THE PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROMINERAL RAW MATERIALS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The urgency of the study of hydro-mineral raw materials is voiced. Promising objects of hydro-mineral raw materials in Russia are considered. Contents of lithium and associated components in salt lakes are presented. The main problems of development of promising manifestations and areas are given. Keywords: lithium, hydro-mineral raw materials, salt lakes, relevance, problems of development. Р. 40-47 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_48 УДК 553.21:553.31’461’435’491.8(571.8) Isokov M.U.1, Movlanov J.J.2, Maripova S.T.3 (1 — University of Geological Sciences (UGS), 2 — Center geoinnovation technologies University of Geological Sciences (UGS), 3 — PhD, leading researcher of the Digital Mapping Department of the State Enterprise «Institute of Mineral Resources» (SE «IMR») Uzbekistan) ORE CONTAINMENT OF OPHIOLITE ASSOCIATIONS OF UZBEKISTAN (SOUTHERN TIEN SHAN) AND THEIR IMPORTANCE FOR CREATION OF MINERAL RESOURCE BASE OF HIGH TECHNOLOGY The article discusses the prospects of ophiolite complexes of the Southern Tien Shan for the identification of oil-mineral raw materials for high technologies. With the rocks of ophiolite complexes in the world associate various mineral deposits. Iron, chromite, copper-pyrite, platinum are associated with these complexes, new mineralization, which are strategic mineral raw materials in the economy of Uzbekistan. Most of them are of scientific interest and have no industrial application yet. Prospects for ore content of ophiolites complexes increase as they are studied in depth. Analysis of geological materials showed that in South Tien Shan has prospects for the discovery of new industrial deposits associated with ophiolite take out complexes. Keywords: ophiolites, ore content, oceanic crust, ultrabasite-basite magmatism, chromites, iron, platinoids, Turkestan paleocean, Southern Tien Shan. Р. 48-55 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_56 УДК 550.8:553.07 (575.1) Turamuratov I.B. (Institute of Mineral Raw Materials, The Republic of Uzbekistan) METHODS OF SEARCHING FOR HIDDEN AND OVERLAPPED MINERALIZATION IN VARIOUS MINING, GEOLOGICAL AND LANDSCAPE CONDITIONS OF UZBEKISTAN The article deals with issues related to the development and current state of the methodological and technological foundations of prospecting for deposits that do not reach the surface. The emphasis is placed on the need to study hidden, overlapped and hidden-overlapped deposits, the potential of which may be much greater than that of known, identified deposits. Modern, widely used methods of prospecting for deposits are considered and brief characteristics are given. An extended numerical classification of various landscape and mining-geological conditions for the placement of deposits of metallic minerals and the corresponding recommended complexes of geological, geophysical, geochemical, cosmogeological research methods with a focus on the study of deposits that do not reach the surface are given. Keywords: geochemistry, geophysics, methods of study, closed territories, minerogeny, hidden and overlapped deposits, cosmogeology. Р. 56-70 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_71 УДК 549.08+553 Astakhova Yu.M., Zhukova V.E., Ozhogina E.G., Sycheva N.A., Rassulov V.A., Yakushina O.A., Skorynin I.A. (VIMS) SPECIFIC FEATURES OF SPODUMENE PEGMATITES MINERALOGICAL STUDY ЛLithium is one of the most the necessary critical metals and a strategic resource, as its unique properties are now actively used by industry in the manufacture of various products. The natural features of spodumene ores determine spasticity of mineralogical study resulting in implementation as a rule of a complex of analysis methods at different stages of geological study. The article deals with the features of mineralogical study to obtain impartial data on composition, structure and prediction of resource quality of these ores. Keywords: rare-metal pegmatites, spodumene, lithium, mineralogical study, complex of methods, studying features. Р. 71-74 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_75 УДК 549.641.23:553.494:311:622.7 Sycheva N.A., Kydzhy M.V., Rassulov V.A., Zhukova V.E., Shuvalova Yu.N. (VIMS) SPECIFIC FEATURES OF MINERAL COMPOSITION OF HIGH-TITANIUM ILMENITE ORES AFFECTING THEIR ENRICHMENT The article presents the results of a mineralogical study of high-titanium ilmenite ores as part of prospecting and evaluation in order to assess their quality. The data received testify that ores with a simple mineral composition and favorable textural and structural characteristics have mineralogical features that adversely affect their enrichment by gravitational and magnetic methods. The main ore mineral ilmenite and the rock-forming minerals have a clear contrast in electrical properties, so they may be effectively separated by electrical methods. Keywords: high-titanium ilmenite ores, enrichment, isomorphic impurity, opening, intergrowths, contrast, specific magnetic susceptibility, conductivity, density, concentrate. intergrown pieces. Р. 75-81 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_81 УДК 669.884(574):541.135.4 Kasikov A.G., Shchelokova E.A., Kunshina G.B., Bocharova I.V., Kuznetsov I.А. (ICT KSC RAS, Apatity) PRODUCTION OF LITHIUM CARBONATE FROM SPODUMENE CONCENTRATE OF KOLMOZERSKOYE DEPOSIT AND ITS USE IN SYNTHESIS OF SOLID ELECTROLYTE ПPreparation of lithium carbonate from spodumene concentrate of the Kolmozersky deposit and its use in the synthesis of solid electrolyte. The results on the preparation of lithium carbonate from solutions purified from Al, Fe, Mg and Ca from sulfuric acid leaching of b-spodumene of Kolmozerskoye deposit were presented. The process of synthesis of solid electrolyte powders with NASICON structure of composition Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 (LATP) using Li2CO3 obtained from spodumene concentrate processing was investigated. Keywords: spodumene, sulfuric acid leaching, purification, lithium carbonate, solid electrolyte. Р. 81-88 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_88 УДК: 622.349:661.882 Gerasimova L.G., Artemenkov A.G., Nikolaev A.I., Shchukina E.S. (ICT KSC RAS, Apatity, Murmansk region) ON THE POSSIBILITY OF COMBINED PROCESSING OF KOLA TITANIUM-CALCIUM RAW MATERIALS On the territory of the Kola Peninsula there are deposits containing elements classified as critical (titanium, niobium, lanthanides, etc.), which are so necessary for the development of modern industries. This paper presents the results of research, which have prospects to be realized in industry in case of combined use, for example, of titanium-calcium raw materials in the form of sphene and perovskite concentrates. The search for conditions of their combined sulfuric acid processing will allow to obtain import-substituting products and reduce the radiation danger of technological processing. Keywords: collective titanium-calcium concentrate, perovskite, sphene, sulfuric acid decomposition, titanium, rare metals. Р. 88-92 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_93 УДК 622.775 Rudenko A.A., Nosyrev G.M., Danileyko V.V. (RUSBURMASH, Moscow) OBJECTIVE POSSIBILITY OF USE OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS FOR MINING AND EXTRACTION OF RARE METALS AT IN-GROUND LEACHING WELL OBJECTS Analysis of exploration data and in-situ leaching results, as well as the instability of the metals market indicates that the extraction of rare metals, which simultaneously pass into solution during the uranium extraction by in-situ leaching, is not always effective when processing the entire volume of pregnant uranium-containing solutions. A scheme for selective advanced extraction of rare metals from uranium solutions using mobile units and targeted sorbents is proposed. Keywords: production unit, optimization, in-situ leaching, productivity, rhenium, rare metals, selectivity, well, uranium, efficiency. Р. 93-96 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_2_97 УДК 622.772: 622.791: 669.822 Prozorova M.V., Saltykov A.S., Gryaznov V.M., Konoplev V.A., Rassulov V.A. (VIMS) THE NATURE OF CHANGES IN URANIUM ORES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF GLYCERINE SOLUTIONS IN THE PROCESS OF HEAP LEACHING Each technological process is associated with the peculiarities of the material composition of ores, genetic, textural-structural, physico-mechanical characteristics, the laws of mineralogy and nature. Leaching, as a heterogeneous process involving two phases — a solid and a solution, according to the results of studies of uranium ores, showed the nature of the variability of the technological «life» of minerals in pieces in a pile of heap leaching under the influence of a homogeneous mixture of a leaching slightly acidic solution using glycine — the destruction of minerals and the formation of new mineral forms. The involvement of an amino acid (glycine) in the technological process led to the excitation of organic life — microorganisms (micromycetes), contributing to the disintegration of mineral particles, complexation and sorption of a useful component. Keywords: metasomatically altered granites, heap leaching, aqueous solutions of glycine, destruction, disintegration, microorganisms, luminescence. Р. 97-106 |