CONTENTS # 1/2024 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1 03 УДК 553.04(470) Kazanov O.V., Lapteva A.M., Malysheva E.S. (VIMS) SCENARIOS OF RAW MATERIALS SUPPLY AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION WORKS Based on the results of the analysis of the level of the Russian economy’s demand for specific types of strategic solid minerals, the supply of these needs with mining and the endowment of mining with proven reserves, 4 commodity scenarios have been identified. It is recommended to take them into account when planning federal geological exploration works and licensing of subsoil areas for works at the expense of subsoil users. Keywords: strategic solid minerals, mining, proven reserve endowment, geological prospecting P. 3-12 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_13 УДК 553.495(510:571.54/55) Shumilin M.V. (Rosatom expert) URANIUM DEPOSITS OF «VOLCANIC» AND «GRANITE» TYPES, AS RELATED PHENOMENA AND PROSPECTS FOR GROWTH OF URANIUM RESERVES IN SOME DEPOSITS OF THE RUSSIAN ZABAI-KALYE FROM THE POSITION OF THIS CONCEPT The article analyzes the latest published materials on uranium deposits in China and concludes that the objects precalculated in volcanics and granites have a common age and formation mechanism. From this standpoint, the prospects for the uranium content of certain territories of the Russian Transbaikalia are considered and areas of possible research are identified in order to expand the raw material base of the Priargunsky Mine complex. Keywords: uranium, deposits of «volcanic» and «granite» types, China, Priargunsky GHK P. 13-20 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_20 УДК 553.3(553.078+553.411.072) (571.62) Kirillov V.E.1, Osipov A.L.2, Konovalova N.S.1, Kozhemyako N.V.1 (1 — Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics ITiG FEB RAS, 2 — Vostok Mining Company, Khabarovsk) GOLD-BEARING CONGLOMERATES OF THE NEMUYSKY DISTRICT (KHABAROVSK REGION) The Nemuysky district of the Khabarovsk Territory is famous for large placer gold and nuggets. The article shows that the main source of gold in alluvium is a conglomerate strata with rounded clastogenic gold, including in the form of pebbles. The characteristics of the gold-bearing conglomerate strata are given, including its geological and structural position, lithological and petrographic composition and superimposed metasomatic alterations. The features of the morphology and composition of alluvial and ore gold are described. It is shown that, in addition to clastogenic gold, the conglomerates contain newly formed gold associated with Mesozoic magmatic activation. A conclusion is made about the original sources of gold in conglomerates associated with diaphthoresis and albitization in gabbro-anorthosites. A version of the coastal-marine origin of clastogenic gold is proposed. The prospects of the conglomerate strata as a possible object of ore gold mining are considered. Keywords: Dzhugdzhur region, Nemuy, gold-bearing conglomerates, anorthosites, diaphthoresis, albitization, granitoids, propylites, placer gold, clastogenic gold. P. 20-33 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_34 УДК 550.84: 523.21 Sokolov S.V., Amantov V.A. , Makarova Yu.V. (VSEGEI) MINERAGENIC POTENTIAL OF THE RUSSIAN PLATFORM AND METHODS FOR ESTIMATING GOLD AND PLATINUM-BEARING AREAS On the example of the north-western part of the Russian Platform, possibilities of predicting potentially significant gold-bearing clusters and regions are shown according to placer surveying data. Fourteen zonal heavy-concentrate and geochemical haloes of rudny district rank, fixed by ring morphostructures, have been identified. The assessment method of the productivity of heavy-concentrate halos has been proposed. A concept of the local origin of placer gold, the source of which can be fluidizate explosions with the gold-platinum mineralization, as well as gold-sulfide ores, including those of Carlin type, has been put forward. Depth prediction methods have been proposed. Keywords: metallogenic potential, Russian Platform, areas assessment methods. P. 34-38 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_38 УДК 551.243.4 Ummatov N.F. (Institute of Mineral Resources, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) GEODYNAMIC SETTING OF THE FORMATION OF THE DAUGYZTAU GOLD DEPOSIT (THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN) The paper reveals the goals and assignment of studying the geodynamics of ore deposits. A technique aimed at studying the geodynamic situation of the area of manifestation of endogenous mineralization in the processes of ore formation is considered. The results of reconstruction of the geodynamic situation of the area of the Daugyztau deposit during ore formation are presented. Keywords: manifestations, deposit, structural position, tension, deformation, ore-controlling structures, geodynamic situation. P. 38-43 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_44 УДК: 550.832.5 Gladyshev A.V.1, Solodov I.N.2 (1 — VNIPIpromtekhnologiya, 2 — Atomredmetzoloto) VARIABILITY OF THE RADIOACTIVE EQUILIBRIUM COEFFICIENT IN URANIUM ORES OF THE VERSHINNOYE URANIUM DEPOSIT OF THE KHIAGDA ORE FIELD (REPUBLIC OF BURYATIA) The variability of the radioactive equilibrium coefficient (Krr) in the ores of the Vershinnoye uranium deposit of the Khiagda ore field of the Vitimskiy uranium ore district was analyzed. Krr varies in the ore deposit azonally in a wide range from 0.56 to 2.75 with local shift of equilibrium both towards Ra and U. In the upper part of paleodolin B1 there is little noticeable uranium removal, and in the central part in the zone of the reducing geochemical barrier uranium accumulation is noted. The variability of this parameter depends on a large number of factors, some of which are discussed in this paper. Keywords: uranium deposit, uranium, radium, radioactive equilibrium coefficient. P. 44-53 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_54 УДК 553.041+550.831 Belkin V.V. (Bereznikovsky branch of Perm National Research Polytechnic University) ABOUT THE SOURCE OF PLATINUM IN THE SALTS OF THE VERKHNEKAMSK POTASH DEPOSIT The article shows that the source of platinum in the salts of the Verkhnekamsk potash deposit is the indigenous West Kytlym platinum site. Topical issues of increasing platinum reserves are considered due to the identification of buried placers of this metal in the coastal-marine zones of the ancient Perm Sea. A possible connection between the Platinum-bearing belt of the Urals and the Pre-Ural regional trough is shown. The author suggests starting the search work with gravel exploration. Keywords: platinum, Ural, placer, buried, Zapadno-Kytlymskye field, The Perm Sea,Coastal snd marine zone, gravity exploration. P. 54-57 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_58 УДК 553.078.2 Chitalin A.F. (Institute of Geotechnologies) STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND TECTONOPHYSICAL MODELING WHEN SEARCHING FOR HIDDEN MINERALIZATION The need for a comprehensive structural analysis based on field geological and structural mapping is shown to develop reasonable geological and structural models and predict hidden mineralization. Geological-structural models are the basis of forecasting and search models, which also take into account geological, geochemical and geophysical data, the results of interpretation of remote sensing materials, and automated lineament analysis. The importance of tectonophysical analogue modeling for the interpretation of studied natural structures and the prediction of structural traps hosting hidden mineralization is substantiated. Keywords: structural analysis, structural-mineralogical parageneses, geological-structural model, stages of deformation, ore deposits forecasting, hidden P. 58-68 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_68 УДК 552.1:553.062/.067:550.4:519.2 (575.16) Nurtaev B.S.1, Eshmurodov A.P.1, 2 (1 — Institute of Geology and Geophysics named after Kh.M. Abdullaev, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2 — University of Geology and Geophysics) GEOLOGICAL POSITION AND STRUCTURE OF ANOMALOUS GEOPHYSICAL FIELDS ASSOCIATED WITH CHROMITE-BEARING ULTRAMAFIC-MAFIC COMPLEXES (CENTRAL KYZYLKUM, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN) The mafic-ultramafic complexes of the ophiolite association are the main object of study of the geological structure of the upper mantle. As a result of a complex of geological and geophysical works, it was found that in some areas the chromium content in the rocks is more than 4 times higher than the Clarke one. A set of geophysical methods is considered in the search for hidden mineralization, which makes it possible to prepare the basis for the subsequent stages of geological exploration. The results obtained show the potential prospects of the studied areas. Keywords: basic-hyperbasic complex, regularities of distribution geodynamics, petrology, anomalies of geophysical fields, ore formation, predictive and prospecting criteria, prospective areas. P. 68-73 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_74 УДК 550.8:550.4:556 Tokarev I.V.1, Isakov V.A.2, Isakova T.N.2 (1 — Science Park of St. Petersburg State University, 2 — (Branch «Hydrogeological Expedition of District 29» of FSBI «Hydrospetzgeologiya») USE OF ISOTOPE METHODS FOR ESTIMATING RESOURCES AND PASTURES OF UNDERGROUND WATER DEPOSITS Mapping survey of sheet Q-42 included isotope sampling to assess the formation conditions of the resources and reserves of groundwater in the zone of active water exchange. Groundwater of the upper zone has the modern recharge origin; its reserves and resources are formed directly from meteoric water or with an intermediate reservoir in the form of underground ice. Currently, melting of the formation ice does not make a significant contribution to the groundwater balance. In many cases, the recharge water that penetrates into aquifers at watersheds are partially evaporated, which is clearly visible in the change in the isotopic composition of water due to disequilibrium fractionation. The total loss of water due to evaporation can be estimated at up to 20–25%. Water losses due to evaporation for infiltration-type water intakes are small and may not be taken into account. In the northern part of the sheet Q-42, the main reserves and resources of groundwater are contained in sub-channel and sub-lake taliks. Connection of groundwater, which exploited by water intakes, with talik for the Ob River valley is reliably established based on isotope and chemical data. For the southern part of the sheet, where the permafrost loses continuity, the main reserves and resources of groundwater should be attributed to inter-permafrost aquifers. Keywords: groundwater resources and reserves, deuterium, oxygen-18, evaporation, ground ice. P. 74-82 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_83 УДК 622.772; 576.8; 622.349.5 Avdonin G.I.1, Saltykov A.S.1, Prozorova M.V.1, Gryaznov V.M.1, Nazina T.N.2, Babich T.L.2 (1 — VIMS, 2 — FRC Biotechnology RAS) FEATURES OF FORMATION OF GLYCINE PRODUCTIVE SOLUTIONS DURING LEACHING OF URANIUM ORES Currently, more and more attention is being paid to research in the field of application of biosorption processes as the most effective methods of extracting metals, including uranium. This article presents data on the formation of biofilm on the surface of productive solutions obtained during geotechnological experiments in the static mode of uranium leaching from metasomatically altered granites with aqueous solutions of glycine of different acidity. The results of the microbiological analysis of the biofilm composition with the isolation of morphogroups related to known types of micromycetes are presented. The use of the luminescent analysis method made it possible to identify the process of interaction of biofilm with mineral substrate in the percolator column of infiltration leaching of ore from the Berezovoye deposit. Keywords: biosorption, leaching, uranium ores, productive solutions, biofilm, micromycetes, bio- P. 83-89 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_90 УДК 574:502 Egorov Ya.А., Chukhlebov A.N., Busygina E.N. (Gidrospetsgeologiya) OPTIMIZATION OF THE MONITORING NETWORK FOR SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS UNDER PERMAFROST AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS (USING THE EXAMPLE OF BILIBIN OF A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT) The article discusses permafrost-hydrogeological conditions in the location area of the Bilibino NPP (nuclear power plants), description of the current observation network and the possibility of its optimization. Keywords: nuclear power, permafrost rocks, defrost zone, object monitoring of the state of the subsoil, observation network. P. 90-95 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_96 УДК 551+553.3 Rudnev V.V., Pechenkin I.G. (VIMS) VIMS EMPLOYEES ARE THE DISCOVERERS OF DEPOSITS OF NON-FERROUS AND PRECIOUS METALS The discovery of new deposits is an important component of the development of the mineral resource base, including for the group of non-ferrous metals. Since the 1920s, VIMS employees have been actively involved in the study of the mineral resource base of non-ferrous metallurgy, and in recent years, deposits of precious metals. Information is provided on the awarding of VIMS specialists with State awards, the departmental badge «Discoverer of the Field», incentive prizes. Keywords: VIMS, deposits, non-ferrous metals, precious metals, discovery of deposits, discoverers. P. 96-104 |
DOI: 10.53085/0034-026X_2024_1_105 УДК 069.51:549 Yusipov A.A., Abramov D.V., Lisitsin D.V. (Museum Samotsvety, Moscow) 50 YEARS ANNIVERSARY OF «MUSEUM SAMOTSVETY» Represented the short history of foundation of FBI «Museum Samotsvety» closely related with the history of «Soyuzquartzsamotsvety», the mostly remarkable and significant samples in the museum exposition and priority directions of development were noted. Keywords: decorative stones museum, Soyuzquartzsamotsvety, jewelry, jewelry-ornamental stones, decorative stones deposites, stone sculptures. P. 105-111 |