CONTENTS № 5/2021 |
УДК 553.411 (571.6) Melnikov A.V. (IGIP FEB RAS) // Stepanov V.A. ( NIGTC FEB RAS) // BEREZITOVOYE GOLD ORE DEPOSIT: HISTORY OF DISCOVERY, OPERATION AND STUDY The history of discovery, exploitation and exploration of the average reserves of the Berezitovoye gold-polymetallic deposit in the Amur region is considered. It was discovered in 1932 and has been exploited in a quarry since 2007. A review is given of numerous publications in scientific journals, as well as dissertation and monographs on the geological structure, ore composition and genesis of the deposit. The significant contribution of the employees of the Institute of the Far East Geological Institute of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the study of the Berezitovoye deposit is noted. Recommendations for further prospecting for deposits of this type are given in publications devoted to the Berezitovoye ore cluster and gold-silver-polymetallic deposits of the Amur region. Keywords: gold-polymetallic deposit, discovery, research, ore composition, genesis. Р. 3-9 |
УДК 553.072 Nguyen T.H. (Geological Institute of the Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technologies, Hanoi, Vietnam) // Nevolko P.A. ( V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk) // AGE AND GEOCHEMICAL FEATURES OF SN AND W MINERALIZATION IN THE NORTHEAST VIETNAM The data on the geology, mineral composition and geochemical features of the Sn and W deposits of the Northeast Vietnam are provided. The specificity of ore-related igneous rocks is considered. Based on the obtained data on the age of mineralization and magmatism, a conclusion is made about the geodynamic conditions of the formation of deposits. The discreteness of Sn and W metallogeny in the territory of Northeast Vietnam is proved. Keywords: Vietnam, Lo Gam, W and Sn deposits, geochronology, ore geochemistry. Р. 9-19 |
УДК 553.98.042 Aleeva A.O. (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University) // Isaev V.I. (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University) // Merenkova A.S. (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University) // Osipova E.N. (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University) // COMPARATIVE GEOPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE YURSKY SECTIONS OF THE NIZHNETABAGANSKY AND PELGINSKY FIELDS (IN CONNECTION WITH THE FORECASTING OF THE PALEOZOIC OIL AND GAS POTENTIAL) The Analysis and comparison of the geophysical and petrophysical characteristics of the Jurassic layers of different field types in Tomsk Region: without oil and gas potential in pre-Jurassic section, with commercial inflows from the pre-Jurassic complex is carried out. Results of exploration electrical resistivity and carbonatization in the Jurassic layers of 200 wells and also spontaneous potential variation, electrical resistivity and natural radioactivity in Bazhenov suite establish anomalousness of geophysical and petrophysical parameters of Jurassic rocks in case of pre-Jurassic deposits. This paper determines 6 geophysical and petrophysical characteristics of the Jurassic layers as predictive indicators for oil and gas potential estimation in pre-Jurassic section. Keywords: pre-Jurassic oil and gas complex, anomalousness of geophysical and petrophysical characteristics of the Jurassic layers, assessment of Paleozoic oil and gas potential, Tomsk region. Р. 19-29 |
УДК 556.3; 504.4.054 Kuvaev A.A. (Hydrospetsgeology) // Semenov M.E. (Hydrospetsgeology) // Konnov D.V. (Hydrospetsgeology) // METHODS OF PROCESSING AND INTERPRETATION OF MONITORING DATA WHEN ASSESSING GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION CONSIDERING THEIR AGE The hydrogeological monitoring data processing and interpretation approach for retrospective estimation of the impact assessment of industrial storage basin on groundwater was developed. As is shown the consideration of the groundwater age at the model calibration allows getting the refined information on the intensity of source of groundwater contamination and improves the reliability of model forecast calculation. Keywords: hydrogeological simulation, groundwater age, estimation of industrial source of groundwater contamination. Р. 29-38 |
УДК 622.24.053 Lachinyan L.A. (Drilling Equipment Plant) // Medvedev A.K. (Drilling Equipment Plant) // THREADED CONNECTION DESIGN JUSTIFICATION OF THE DRILL STRING AS PART OF THE COMPLEXES OF DRILLING SHELLS WITH A REMOVABLE CORE RECEIVER The article is devoted to the optimization of the ratio of the sizes and areas of the supporting surfaces of the external, internal joints and the dangerous cross-section, as well as thegap in the internal joint of the double-threaded connection, which cause the creation of such stresses in its +dangerous cross-section, which ensure the achievement of the maximum values of the endurance limit, tightness and torque of this connection. Keywords: drilling with a removable core receiver; double-stop thread; external and internal joints; endurance limit, tightness and torque. Р. 38-44 |
УДК 622.24.622 Tretyak A.A. (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnical University (NPI)) // Yatsenko E.A. (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnical University (NPI)) // Onofrienko S.А. (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnical University (NPI)) // Karelskaya E.V. (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnical University (NPI)) // COAGULATION OF DRILLING MUD PARTICLES An overview of the problem of regulating the solid phase of drilling fluids is given. The dependences of the magnetic treatment of drilling mud on the time of exposure to tension and temperature are shown. It is proved that the rate of sludge deposition of nanostructured, highly inhibited drilling mud increases twice when magnetized in a constant magnetic field with a strength of 320 kA/m. Keywords: sedimentation, sludge coagulation, device for magnetization, drilling mud. Р. 45-50 |
УДК 546.28’621’82’88 Nechaev A.V. (GC «Rusredmet», St. Petersburg) // Polyakov E.G. (GC «Rusredmet», St. Petersburg) // Kardapolov V.A. («CHMZ», Glazov) // Koparulina E.S. («CHMZ», Glazov) // LOPARITE AND EUDIALYTE IN PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF CHEPETSKY MECHANICAL PLANT Aims declared in the «Strategy of development of the rare and rare earth metals industry in Russian Federation till 2035» as well as ways to execute some of them in Chepetsky mechanical plant are considered. Processing of both loparite and eudialyte from Lovozero deposits was demonstrated as the most efficient way to reach defined indices relating to tantalum, niobium, zirconium and RE production. Keywords: development of the rare and rare earth metals industry, loparite, eudialyte, tantalum, niobium, zirconium, REE. Р. 51-56 |
УДК 550.34.033 Vercheba A.A. (MGRI-RGGRU) // MINING AND GEOLOGICAL SERVICE OF RUSSIA AND ITS ROTMATION In article features of development of system of preparation of mining-and-geological shots at a new stage and value of higher education in realization of strategy of development of mineral resources of Russia till 2035 are considered. The associativity of competences of graduates of mining-andgeological higher education institutions to modern qualifying characteristics of experts of a mining-and-geological cluster is analysed. Keywords: federal state educational standards of the higher education — on specialties applied geology, mining, oil and gas business and applied geodesy. Training. Strategy of development of mineral resources of Russia till 2035. Priority directions of scientific and technical development of Russia. P. 57-59 |
УДК 551:303.632.4:575.1 Akbarov K.A. (Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan) // Zhuraev M.N. (Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan) // Shukurov N.E. (Institute of Geology and Geophysics named after Kh.M. Abdullaev, Uzbekistan) // INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF MINING TERRITORIES OF UZBEKISTAN AND PROBLEMS OF MINING WASTE DISPOSAL The main resources of the mountains of Uzbekistan are mineral deposits, water, fauna, and flora. Mining enterprises are among the largest polluters of the environment. Wastefrom mining and processing and metallurgical production occupies vast territories and is a source of environmental risk due to the release of harmful components into the atmosphere, soil, and water. The solution to the problem of waste disposal of mining enterprises is aimed at a detailed study of their material composition in order to develop highly efficient technologies for the extraction of metals and to identify areas of abnormal concentrations of toxic elements in areas adjacent to industrial waste. Keywords: mountain regions, ecological risks, mineral resources, fauna and flora, minerals, geological structures, mining and processing plants, ore deposits, mining activity, environmental pollution assessment. Р. 59-63 |