

CONTENTS № 4/2016


УДК 553.21:553.463 Kolesnikova N.B. (VIMS) // korund604@mail.ru Borisov V.N. (Taegnaya expedition) // agurikov@yandex.ru Rukov L.T. (IGEM) // rakovlt@mail.ru SULFIDE AND TUNGSTEN-MOLYBDENUM MINERALIZATION FEATURES OF THE GENESIS ONE OF THE OCCURRENCES OF PRIMORYE Rocks enclosing sulphide and tungsten-molybdenum mineralization occurrences Alexander has identified some features of its genesis were studied. The results of this work provide a basis to make an assumption about the dependence of the composition and nature of mineralization of the host rocks, the role of the latter as one of the possible sources of ore matter and significance of hydrothermal process in the formation of mineralization. Key words: scheelite, molybdenite mineralization, stockwork, hydrothermal process. Р. 3-9
УДК 550.84:553.4 Grigorov S.A. (IMGRE) // grigorovrim@mail.ru EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGY OF ORE OBJECTS LOCALIZATION AND PERSPECTIVITY-RANKING ON THE STAGE OF MEDIUM-SCALE GEOCHEMICAL PROSPECTING The efficiency of geochemical prospecting for dissipation flows can be fundamentally increased by the interpretation of the analytical data from the standpoint of structural and geochemical modeling aureole-forming (ore-forming) system. The dissipation flows reflect the fractal structure of the geochemical field, reflecting system of ore objects in the rank of ore fields and ore occurrences. It was established that concentrically zoned structure of geochemical fields do not have a visible reflection in geological imagery in geological mapping. Key words: geochemical prospecting, dissipation flows, structure of geochemical field, concentric zoning, fractal structure, localization and ranking of ore objects. Р. 9-12
УДК 553.411 (571.1) Kolpakov V.V. (Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS) // vladk@igm.nsc.ru Nevolko P.А. (Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS) // nevolko@igm.nsc.ru Dultsev V.F. (Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS) // dultsev@igm.nsc.ru Fominykh P.А. (Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS) // fominykh@igm.nsc.ru ORE FOOD SOURCES OF GOLD PLACERS FEDOROVKA-RIVER (GORNAYA SHORIA) A Fedorovka placer, which produced about 11 tons of gold, known since 1836 and is one of the richest in Siberia. Apriori it is considered that the main source of power is located in the origins of the river Fedorovskoye field with a large (50 wt. % Au > 1 mm) of gold, forming local concentrations (bonanza) in quartz ores. Study of native gold gold-sulfide-quartz Lazaretny ore and alluvial deposits of the basin of the Fedorovka-river showed that the composition of gold in placers corresponds to the composition of the poor gold vein-disseminated ores “Lazaretny” type. Key words: native ore gold, gold placer, the distribution of the fineness, the mineralization is stockwork-type. Р. 12-17
УДК: 549.67 (470) Burov A.I. (NPC «Poisk») // zeo-bur@yandex.ru ZEOLITCONTAINING CLAY ALBIAN AGE OF THE RUSSIAN PLATE AND THEIR POSSIBLE USE Provides information on zeolitecontaining clays Albian age of the European part of Russia: geology,composition and proposals for their use. Key words: zeolitecontaining clay, Albian Stage, geology, use, European part of Russia. Р. 17-21
УДК 553.441:551.243.3 (571.51) Zhuravlev V.V. (Olimpiada MPF, JSC «Polyus») ON THE FINDING OF FOLD HINGESIN A STRUCTURE OF THE OLIMPIADA GOLD ORE FIELDAND THEIR PART IN ORE CONTROL By the example of the Olimpiada deposit and Olimpiada ore field the article deals with the problem of spatial relationship between hinge lines and axial traces of overturned plunging folds resumed as “axial trend vs. axial trace”. The analysis of orientation of the first-order and second-order folds has been made; оn the base of it the new fold model for the Olimpiada ore field has been suggested. In the framework of the model, in particular, the Innokenty syncline is considered as ore control structure plunging to the East or East-South-East. Its hinge zone is performed as potential region to increase gold resources at depth.

Key words: gold, Yenisei Mountain Range, Olimpiada deposit, hinge line, fold axis, axial trend, axial trace. Р. 21-26


УДК 550.372+523.31-335.7 Neradovskiy L.G. (Melnikov Permafrost Institute SB RAS) // leoner@mpi.ysn.ru DEPENDENCE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE AMPLITUDE ATTENUATION ON EFFECTIVE ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY AND TEMPERATURE OF FROZEN GROUND This paper discusses the results of a study at a geocryological monitoring site in Yakutia conducted with the induction method to investigate the influence of effective electrical resistivity of frozen soils on the amplitude attenuation of the electromagnetic wave represented by induction signals measured at a frequency of 1.125 MHz The nature of this phenomenon is determined by the thermodynamics of permafrost material within the layer of annual temperature fluctuations. The results indicate that the induction method can be used to rapidly, environmentally friendly and sufficiently accurately assess the spatiotemporal changes in the thermal state of frozen foundation soils in areas of existing and new infrastructure in the permafrost regions of Russia. Key words: frozen ground, temperature, effective electrical resistivity, induction signal attenuation coefficient, borehole thermometry, induction me Р. 26-32
УДК 550.837.6 Lubchich V.A. (Polar Geophysical Institute) // lubchich@yandex.ru Grigorev V.F. (Polar Geophysical Institute) // valgri@pgi.ru ELECTROMAGNETIC SOUNDING OF THE EARTH’S CRUST IN THE ARCTIC ISLANDS The article deals with utilization of electromagnetic geophysical methods to study the geological structure of inaccessible Arctic islands. Possibility of applying the powerful transmitter of electromagnetic fields of extremely low frequency (ELF) range, located in the Northern part of Kola Peninsula, for electromagnetic sounding of the Svalbard archipelago was demonstrated. It was shown that integrated interpretation of magnetotelluric data and electromagnetic sounding with controlled source data is useful. Key words: electromagnetic sounding with controlled source, magnetotelluric sounding, sedimentary rock cover. Р. 32-37


УДК (553.74) 575.15 Zhuraev M.R. (SE «Institute GIDROINGEO», Tashkent) // juraevm@inbox.ru IDENTIFY GEOSTRUCTURAL AND HYDRODYNAMIC FACTORS IN THE FORMATION OF HYDROGEN SULFIDE WATERS IN SURKHANDARYA REGION In the formation of hydrogen sulfide water requires the presence of specific natural features of the following: a longitudinal tectonic disturbance, bedding layer near the surface of the productive land (up to 2 km), discharge of produced water due to tectonic disturbances in the oil and gas fields. And also you need to gently dipping sediments of the complex between the oil and gas fields and underground water supply area. The hydraulic pressure of the groundwater in the eastern part megasinklinala created by the presence of tectonic disturbances and weak rock bedding slope. The zone of underground water gidronapornoy between the East and the peripheral part of the center. Slow water exchange process noted in prisvodovoy of the west wing of the oil fields. Due to the water exchange process is carried out the oxidation process due to leaching from the interior sulfate (gypsum-bearing rocks) Paleogene and reduction reaction with organic oil-bearing strata, forming hydrogen sulfide water. Key words: geostructural factor, tectonic disturbance, fetid water, discharge of produced water, oil fields. Р. 37-43


УДК 622.342.1.037(571.65) Pruss Yu.V. (North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute N.A. Shilo, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences) // pruss@neisri.ru PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF A TECHNOGENIC COMPLEX OF THE NORTH-EAST OF RUSSIA The detailed analysis of formation of a technogenic complex of loose and ore fields of the North-East of Russia is carried out and the problems interfering more effective use of its resources are formulated. Concrete measures for improvement of standard and legal base for more «open» economy of processing of a residual complex of ore production are offered. It is offered «to formalize» legislatively a residual complex as waste of mining, and not to «extract» minerals, and «to receive» when processing mountain weight that provides opportunity legislatively to create subsector «processing of waste of mining». Key words: waste of mining, technogenic complex, North-East of Russia, old trade area, legal terminology, infrastructure licensing, innovations, technologies. Р. 43-48
УДК 549.514.91+553.493.531:539.16+622.7 Likhnikevich E.G. (VIMS) // Likhnikeevich@mail.ru Fatov A.S. (VIMS) // Infiniti400@mail.ru Levchenko E.N. (IMGRE) // levchenko@imgre.ru ON THE BEHAVIOR OF RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS IN THE PROCESS OF DEACTIVATION OF BADDELEYITE-ZIRCONIUM ENRICHMENT CONCENTRATES Studies on deactivation of baddeleyite – zirconium concentrates enrichment of varying composition characterized by increased radioactivity. It was found that pre-decontamination removes only the sorbed uranium contained in concentrates. Key words: baddeleyite-zircon concentrate, radioactivity, deactivation. Р. 48-51


УДК 338 Lisov S.V. (MGRI-RGGRU) MINERAL AND RAW MATERIAL BASED INDUSTRY: INNOVATIONS AND HUMAN ASPECTS Against the backdrop of general industry trend of stagnation in 2013-2014 and the recession in 2015 (in many ways typical of mineral complex) we should attribute important areas of improvement to factors of greater innovation and quality planning needs of qualified personnel. The article reviews the issues of improving the innovation mechanism in the subsoil use on the basis of the federal legislation on strategic planning. The author also founds the methodical approach to determine the future needs of enterprises in qualified personnel, involving special calculations on the authorial method. Key words: industry, mineral raw materials complex, innovations, human resources, geology prospecting industry, strategic planning.

Р. 51-56

УДК 332.63: 332.64 + 347.234 Zhukova I.V. (Far Eastern Institute of Management) // i-6041@yandex.ru SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECT OF THE TERM «PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION WASTE» The paper considers term «production and consumption waste». The current interpretations do not meet the evolving relations in the process of production and consumption of waste. Introduction of new approaches aimed at developing and using low-waste and non-waste techniques helps not only minimize negative effects but also use wastes as the restoration element of natural resources. In this connection the author claims that the term «production and consumption waste» acquires the new socio-economic aspect and it demands a new interpretation. Key words: production and consumption waste; anthropogenic products; subsurface use; integration process. Р. 56-59
УДК 622.2:553.3:338.45 Borisovich V.T. (MGRI-RGGRU) // bvt@nm.ru Madzhidov B.S. (MGRI-RGGRU) // 771800@mail.ru Garaev E.A. (MGRI-RGGRU) // emin_qarayev@mail.ru ANALYSIS OF GOLD PRODUCTION LEADERS IN TODAY’S MARKET The results of the analysis of gold mining leaders of the international market in the period 1950-2014. It is shown that the market supply of gold is formed due to several factors, but the main among them is the production of new metal. During this period, production in the world increased by nearly four times. The main gold producing countries in the twentieth century were South Africa and the Soviet Union. The number of leaders-producers at various times included Australia, the United States and Canada, which in 1997 reached the maximum volume of production and gradually reduce it. In 2007, the leaders left China, and in 2014 he was joined by Russia. New leaders continue to increase production volumes. Briefly shows the factors of growth and decline of gold production for individual producers. Key words: gold, mining, international market, producer, offering the gold market, growth factors, the leaders of the international market. Р.


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